1998 Archives by Author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 19:01:08 1998
Ending: Fri Dec 25 20:40:47 1998
Messages: 305
- Clean Software Repository =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9_E._Gallardo?=
- Clean Ports Fuad Abdallah
- Communication with the no-functional world. Ana Maria Abrao
- Succeeding dinosaurs, was Re: Communication with the no-functional
world. Ana Maria Abrao
- Hardware dependency Ana Maria Abrao
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Ana Maria Abrao
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Ana Maria Abrao
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Ana Maria Abrao
- Interface with C Ana Maria Abrao
- Interface with C Ana Maria Abrao
- Interface with C Ana Maria Abrao
- Interface with C Ana Maria Abrao
- I cannot execute quick sort in Linux! Ana Maria Abrao
- Interface with C Ana Maria Abrao
- To the administrator Ana Maria Abrao
- E-mail address. Ana Maria Abrao
- Communication with the no-functional world. Ana Abrão
- uniqueness and strictness unified? Ana Abrão
- A few observations Re: Clean Ana Maria Abrão
- Clean vs. ADA Ana Maria Abrão
- How to compile Clean from the command line? Ana Maria Abrão
- clean 1.2.4 bugs Peter Achten
- help with test harness Peter Achten
- IOState Peter Achten
- Object I/O for Windows Peter Achten
- Graphics in clean Peter Achten
- Typist example bug? Win95 ObjIO1.0.1 examples Peter Achten
- local and public state after startIO Peter Achten
- Martin's Miscs Andrew Butterfield
- Algebraic types and subclassing Andrew Butterfield
- IDE dialog problem under Windows Frank A. Christoph
- FW: IDE dialog problem under Windows Frank A. Christoph
- Windows IDE Dialog Bug, Try #3 Frank A. Christoph
- Clean strictness analyser David Clark
- modelling abstract reduction David Clark
- pattern matching question David Clark
- [ANN] Clean 1.3 available (Mac, Windows, Linux, Solaris) Marko van Eekelen
- Proofs and development Marko van Eekelen
- Proofs and development Marko van Eekelen
- Memory on the Mac, was Re: A few observations Re: Clean Paul Evenblij
- Problems with Clean 1.3 on 68K Mac Matt Fairtlough
- Pabc code Michal Gajda
- Communicating with non-clean processes? John Gibbons
- type system plans Jules Gilbert
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Pedro Palao Gostanza
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Pedro Palao Gostanza
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Pedro Palao Gostanza
- GC in Clean 1.3 Pedro Palao Gostanza
- Interface with C John van Groningen
- Interface with C John van Groningen
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? John van Groningen
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? John van Groningen
- Communication with the no-functional world. Alan Grover
- semantics and optimizations Alan Grover
- error message suggestions Alan Grover
- crossplatform/web Alan Grover
- debugging feature requests Alan Grover
- seperate editor support Alan Grover
- misc type comments Alan Grover
- A wish: "This function is OK, do not warn me again!" Alan Grover
- Rinus replies to suggestions Alan Grover
- Algebraic types and subclassing Alan Grover
- misc type comments Alan Grover
- help with test harness Alan Grover
- Pointers to user contributions? Alan Grover
- Memory on the Mac, was Re: A few observations Re: Clean Alan Grover
- help with test harness Alan Grover
- [ANN] Clean 1.3 available (Mac, Windows, Linux, Solaris) Alan Grover
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Alan Grover
- eval, or interpreting Alan Grover
- Proofs and development Alan Grover
- Interface with C Alan Grover
- Interface with C Alan Grover
- Proofs and development Alan Grover
- Proofs and development Alan Grover
- toString, aka overloading problems Alan Grover
- a gripe about toString [] Alan Grover
- toString, aka overloading problems Alan Grover
- Interface with C Alan Grover
- Interface with C Alan Grover
- Interface with C Alan Grover
- Type synonyms revisited J. Han
- Arithmetics Rolf-Thomas Happe
- Hardware dependency Rolf-Thomas Happe
- Hardware dependency Rolf-Thomas Happe
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Rolf-Thomas Happe
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Rolf-Thomas Happe
- toInt Rolf-Thomas Happe
- toInt Rolf-Thomas Happe
- A few observations Re: Clean Hassett
- A few observations Re: Clean Adrian Hey
- A few observations Re: Clean Adrian Hey
- A few observations Re: Clean Adrian Hey
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Adrian Hey
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Adrian Hey
- Clean vs. ADA Adrian Hey
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Adrian Hey
- IOState Adrian Hey
- A few observations Re: Clean Adrian Hey
- A few observations Re: Clean Adrian Hey
- Hardware dependency Adrian Hey
- Hardware dependency Adrian Hey
- Hardware dependency Adrian Hey
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Adrian Hey
- Hilst? Adrian Hey
- Exceptions, was Re: Hardware dependency Adrian Hey
- Proofs and development Adrian Hey
- Hardware dependency Alan Hutchinson
- Type synonyms revisited Arjan van IJzendoorn
- Hiding warnings Arjan van IJzendoorn
- Algebraic types and subclassing Arjan van IJzendoorn
- Algebraic types and subclassing Arjan van IJzendoorn
- Communication with the no-functional world. S. Alexander Jacobson
- FP Naming/Directory Service S. Alexander Jacobson
- Proofs and development S. Alexander Jacobson
- Haskell vs. Clean Simon L Peyton Jones
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Simon L Peyton Jones
- Communication with the no-functional world. Simon L Peyton Jones
- Communication with the no-functional world. Simon L Peyton Jones
- Communication with the no-functional world. Simon L Peyton Jones
- cocl & cg parameters G.P.H. Josten
- command line arguments G.P.H. Josten
- IOState Paulo Alfredo Mainieri Junior
- How to draw a char over another char? Paulo Alfredo Mainieri Junior
- Clean for OS/2 Paulo Alfredo Mainieri Junior
- Martin's Miscs Wolfram Kahl
- Proofs and development Wolfram Kahl
- First Class File IO Nick Kallen
- Error: "Cannot open file '...'" Nick Kallen
- Error: "Cannot open file '...'" Nick Kallen
- Algebraic types and subclassing Nick Kallen
- Algebraic types and subclassing Nick Kallen
- Algebraic types and subclassing Nick Kallen
- Algebraic types and subclassing Nick Kallen
- Algebraic types and subclassing Nick Kallen
- Object IO Library for PC Nick Kallen
- Pointers to user contributions? Nick Kallen
- How to type this function? Nick Kallen
- How to compile Clean from the command line? Nick Kallen
- Clean 2.0 Nick Kallen
- Clean Software Nick Kallen
- Clean 2.0 Nick Kallen
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Marco Kesseler
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Marco Kesseler
- Communication with the no-functional world. Marco Kesseler
- Communication with the no-functional world. Marco Kesseler
- Memory on the Mac Brent Knight
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Brent Knight
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Brent Knight
- Rational arithmetic Pieter Koopman
- Rational arithmetic Pieter Koopman
- toInt Pieter Koopman
- toInt Pieter Koopman
- First Class File IO Maarten Koopmans
- Networking in Clean Maarten Koopmans
- Networking interface in C Maarten Koopmans
- A wish: "This function is OK, do not warn me again!" Jan Krynicky
- Is there plan for Source Debuger? Jan Krynicky
- Succeeding dinosaurs, was Re: Communication with the no-functional
world. Neil Leslie
- Succeeding dinosaurs, was Re: Communication with the no-functional
world. Neil Leslie
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... David Lester
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... David Lester
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Bjorn Lisper
- uniqueness and strictness unified? Patrick Logan
- Haskell vs. Clean Matthew Lye
- Clean and Rhapsody Matthew Lye
- Nijmegen to spark discussion? Matthew Lye
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Matthew Lye
- Pile-up at German border Matthew Lye
- Martin's Miscs Matthew Lye
- Martin's Miscs Matthew Lye
- Second approximation of Clean Papers Matthew Lye
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Matthew Lye
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Matthew Lye
- Object IO and Linux Jose Romildo Malaquias
- Communicating with non-clean processes? John Martyn
- Hilst? John Martyn
- Networking in Clean John Martyn
- command line arguments John Martyn
- HTML generation, HTML parsing Paul de Mast
- Is there plan for Source Debuger? Paul de Mast
- Rational arithmetic Clifford J. Nelson
- Rational arithmetic Clifford J. Nelson
- Execution speed Clifford J. Nelson
- Clean Software Repository Nick
- 2Q: Stdio rationale & "systolic" array? Matti J. Nykanen
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Melissa O'Neill
- Ooops! (was: Quick question regarding indirection cells...) Melissa O'Neill
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Melissa O'Neill
- SIGNOFF clean-list@cs.kun.nl Dr. Young G. Park
- Clean 2.0 Antonio Eduardo Costa Pereira
- Type synonyms revisited Joel Peterson
- First Class File IO Joel Peterson
- Unsubscribe Joel Peterson
- First Class File IO Marco Pil
- ideas for the IDE; 'obsolete pragmas' Marco Pil
- Unsubscribe Andreas S
- Problems with Clean 1.3 on 68K Mac Tuomas Salonen
- A wish: type error messages Tuomas E E Salonen
- Clean and Rhapsody Ron Wichers Schreur
- Digested mailing list configuration Ron Wichers Schreur
- Object IO freezes linker Ron Wichers Schreur
- Error: "Cannot open file '...'" Ron Wichers Schreur
- node by node copy Ron Wichers Schreur
- node to node copy Ron Wichers Schreur
- Object IO freezes linker Ron Wichers Schreur
- Object IO freezes linker Ron Wichers Schreur
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Ron Wichers Schreur
- Hardware dependency Ron Wichers Schreur
- Clean list digest and archive Ron Wichers Schreur
- Graphics in clean Ron Wichers Schreur
- How to compile Clean from the command line? Ron Wichers Schreur
- IDE dialog problem under Windows Ron Wichers Schreur
- Clean for OS/2 Ron Wichers Schreur
- Object IO 1.0.1 for Macintosh and Windows 95/NT released Ron Wichers Schreur
- Haskell vs. Clean Michael Schuerig
- A few observations Re: Clean Michael Schuerig
- Rhapsody memory,was Re: Memory on the Mac Michael Schuerig
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Michael Schuerig
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Michael Schuerig
- 2Q: Stdio rationale & "systolic" array? Pascal Serrarens
- Algebraic types and subclassing Jan Skibinski
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Jan Skibinski
- uniqueness and strictness unified? Sjaak Smetsers
- uniqueness and strictness unified? Sjaak Smetsers
- toString, aka overloading problems Sjaak Smetsers
- toString, aka overloading problems Sjaak Smetsers
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Alcimar Barbosa Soares
- An urgent correction!!! Alcimar Barbosa Soares
- How to draw a char over another char? Alcimar Barbosa Soares
- how to get command line parameters Marko Srepfler
- cocl & cg parameters Marko Srepfler
- local and public state after startIO Marko Srepfler
- command line arguments Marko Srepfler
- How to call Clean function from C Marko Srepfler
- Is there plan for Source Debuger? Marko Srepfler
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Petr Stemberg
- Clean on Mac OS X (Server)? Petr Stemberg
- [Ann] Clean Mailing Lists archives Clean Support
- [ANN] Clean 1.3 available (Mac, Windows, Linux, Solaris) Clean Support
- Hardware dependency William Tanksley
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Jaroslav Tulach
- Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0 Jaroslav Tulach
- ABC Machine Jaroslav Tulach
- Object I/O for Windows Koen De Turck
- Graphics in clean Koen De Turck
- Martin's Miscs Chris Uppal
- Hiding warnings Arie Veltman
- This IS getting away from Clean,
folks but... was: Succeeding dinosaurs,
was Re: Communication with the no-functional world. Arie Veltman
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Philip Wadler
- Quick question regarding indirection cells... Philip Wadler
- SIGNOFF clean-list@cs.kun.nl Gregory R. Webber
- node to node copy Martin Wierich
- No buglist ? Marco de Wit
- [ANN] Clean 1.3 available (Mac, Windows, Linux, Solaris) Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten
- Is there plan for Source Debuger? Gert Veldhuijzen van Zanten
- extra type restrictions wanted? Erik Zuurbier
- node by node copy Erik Zuurbier
- First Class File IO Erik Zuurbier
- Type synonyms revisited Erik Zuurbier
- node by node copy Erik Zuurbier
- Nijmegen to spark discussion? Erik Zuurbier
- A wish: type error messages Erik Zuurbier
- A wish: "This function is OK, do not warn me again!" Erik Zuurbier
- A wish: "This function is OK, do not warn me again!" Erik Zuurbier
- garbage collection Erik Zuurbier
- uniqueness and strictness unified? Erik Zuurbier
- uniqueness and strictness unified? Erik Zuurbier
- dynamic types + Erik Zuurbier
- ideas for the IDE Erik Zuurbier
- ideas for the IDE; 'obsolete pragmas' Erik Zuurbier
- ideas for the IDE; 'obsolete pragmas' Erik Zuurbier
- ideas for the IDE; 'obsolete pragmas' Erik Zuurbier
- Graphics in clean Erik Zuurbier
- tip for converting to Clean 1.3 Erik Zuurbier
- HTML generation, HTML parsing Erik Zuurbier
- Interface with C ana
- Typist example bug? Win95 ObjIO1.0.1 examples dufrp@oricom.ca
- Thanks for the Typist example's directions use dufrp@oricom.ca
- Equivalence of expressions mann@cs.uni-frankfurt.de
- type system plans matthews@math.uga.edu
- Nijmegen to spark discussion? rinus plasmeijer
- Pile-up at German border rinus plasmeijer
- Communication with the no-functional world. rinus plasmeijer
- Communication with the no-functional world. rinus plasmeijer
- semantics and optimizations rinus plasmeijer
- debugging feature requests rinus plasmeijer
- misc type comments rinus plasmeijer
- A wish: "This function is OK, do not warn me again!" rinus plasmeijer
- uniqueness and strictness unified? rinus plasmeijer
- Algebraic types and subclassing rinus plasmeijer
- Object IO Library for PC rinus plasmeijer
- ideas for the IDE; 'obsolete pragmas' rinus plasmeijer
- A few observations Re: Clean rinus plasmeijer
- Memory on the Mac rinus plasmeijer
- A few observations Re: Clean rinus plasmeijer
- eval, or interpreting rinus plasmeijer
- Networking in Clean rinus plasmeijer
- Clean strictness analyser rinus plasmeijer
- type system plans rinus plasmeijer
- Clean 2.0 rinus plasmeijer
- Is there plan for Source Debuger? rinus plasmeijer
- Rational arithmetic rinus
- SIGNOFF clean-list@cs.kun.nl thornton
- SIGNOFF clean-list@cs.kun.nl thornton
Last message date:
Fri Dec 25 20:40:47 1998
Archived on: Mon Sep 25 15:43:30 2000
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