Clean 2.0

Nick Kallen
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 11:58:24 -0800

Would a member Clean team be kind enough to enumerate the (intended) new
features of Clean 2.0?

- What features have been considered but decided against?
- What features aren't going to be in 2.0 but seem like reasonable additions
that might make it into future version?
- Have you guys looked into some of the currently prototyped Haskell
variants like Cayenne and PolyP? Do you think these features should (or
will) be incorporated into future releases of Clean?

Since 2.0 is (hopefully) coming out before the end of the year, I imagine
these questions shouldn't be too hard to answer as you guys are probably
knee deep in implementation details. Unfortunately, this last question is
probably irrelavent, then:

- Would you guys be interested in hearing a wish lish for Clean 2.0/3.0(?)