Problem with Clean on RedHat 5.0

Ron Wichers Schreur
Wed, 20 May 1998 20:33:21 +0200


Thanks to all people who gave tips about running Clean on RedHat 5.0.
I've installed RedHat 5.0 on my PC and could reproduce the problems
that were reported. This is the situation (as I understand it):

1)  problem: clm links Clean programs with inconsistent libraries
    for RedHat 5.0, (--dynamic /lib/ and -lc, -lm).
    The programs link ok, but crash when executed.

    solution: (Clean 1.1), statically link libc and libm by passing the
    following options to clm (through a '.lo' link options file, or with
    the -l option)

    solution: (Clean 1.3)
        By removing one comment in the Makefile before installation, clm can
        be patched to link with /lib/

2)  problem: RedHat 5.0 is not distributed with xview

    solution: You could probably install and recompile the xview for RedHat 5.0,
    but I found some rpm packages prepared at
    You need the base and development packages.

    I don't know why xview is no longer distributed, or what toolkit is generally
    used now.

3)  problem: The cfiles in the Clean IO library don't compile.

    solution (Clean 1.3): The XView include files require some BSD flavoured types,
    which can be included by defining the macro _BSD_SOURCE.

4)  problem: The linker warns that "the `getwd' function is dangerous".

    solution (not implemented): I suppose getwd should be replaced by getcwd, ignore
    the warning for now.

I don't know if these problems are also present with other Linux distributions. I
don't know if all Linux versions will move to libc6. I don't know if the solutions
described will work for other Linux distributions.

With the solutions above I successfully compiled the iodemos that come with the Clean
distribution (under RedHat 5.0). There are other known problems with X implementation
of the Clean IO library. Unfortunately we don't have the resources right now to
cure them.

Clean 1.3 for Linux will be available Real Soon Now.


Ronny Wichers Schreur