misc type comments

Alan Grover awgrover@umich.edu
Mon, 9 Mar 1998 09:33:30 -0500

I wanted to declare a type like this:
	:: OSType = {#Char,#Char,#Char,#Char}
by which I mean a string of exactly four characters. I wanted it to be a
string so I could use all the string functions.

I realize I could define some algebraic type or a tuple, and write
appropriate functions. I ended up using a synomym for now (as String).


Clean provides a type synonym construct, but this does not provide distinct
types thus inhibiting overloading. This is a terrible problem in C++ with
many libraries using "typedef" (compare OSType with int, AppleEvent with
AEDesc) making it impossible to write overloaded functions that can
distinguish between the types. C++ actually provides a workaround with
something like:
	class OSType : public int { ...appropriate constructors here... }
Please consider allowing (encouraging) non-synonym typedefs.

This has been covered before, on the mailing list.


Please make Char distinct from Byte. Byte should have numeric semantics
(like multiply, etc.), while Char should have operations like
diff,offset,pred,succ (overloaded as -,+,++,--), toInt, Int->Char, etc.. C
offers an excellent demonstration of why the two kinds of things should be

"Alan Grover, Technical Pb" awgrover@umich.edu
+1 (743) 647-5778
Project Leader
Health Media Research Lab, Cancer Center
5D04 North Ingalls Building, Mail Stop 0471
300 North Ingalls
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0471