Typist example bug? Win95 ObjIO1.0.1 examples

Peter Achten peter88@cs.kun.nl
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 09:35:35 +0200

Dear Paul,

At 07:01 AM 9/15/98 -0500, you wrote:
>When trying the examples that come with the beta library ObjectsIO 1.0.1
>for Windows95, I did have a problem with the typist example.
>When I run it, two windows appear on the screen, one to type text, and
>an other to show how fast you type (at least that is the way I understand
>what it is supposed to do).
>I can't type anything before choosing the 
>'Run' option in the File menu.
>But the problem is that the File menu, doesn't appears before I close the
>the monitoring window, so I have no window to see how fast I am typing.
>I am new to Clean, so I am not too sure if it is really a bug, or if it
>is just that there is something that I did not understood.

I can understand your confusion, but your report does not concern a bug. It is rather a current shortcoming of the Object I/O library. Let me explain:
the typist program creates two interactive processes:
* the process that monitors the typist's activity (monitor process)
* the process that accepts the typist's input (typist process).
Both processes open a window. They also open a menu bar, displayed as a wide window containing the menus at the top of your screen. However, these windows overlap. If you drag the frontmost menu bar away, you will see the menu bar containing the File menu. 

I agree this is very clumsy. It will be changed to follow the official Windows user interface guidelines, adding the menus in the two windows. Haven't come to that yet. 

Sorry for the inconvenience, 
