Typist example bug? Win95 ObjIO1.0.1 examples

dufrp@oricom.ca dufrp@oricom.ca
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 07:01:38 -0500

When trying the examples that come with the beta library ObjectsIO 1.0.1
for Windows95, I did have a problem with the typist example.

When I run it, two windows appear on the screen, one to type text, and
an other to show how fast you type (at least that is the way I understand
what it is supposed to do).

I can't type anything before choosing the 
'Run' option in the File menu.
But the problem is that the File menu, doesn't appears before I close the
the monitoring window, so I have no window to see how fast I am typing.

I am new to Clean, so I am not too sure if it is really a bug, or if it
is just that there is something that I did not understood.
---Paul Dufresne

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