Communication with the no-functional world.

Ana Abrão
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 19:26:49 +0000

Simon L Peyton Jones wrote:
> I think this remark is absolutely true, and is true of other functional
> languages, not just Clean. 

> This is something the Haskell community has been paying quite a bit
> of attention to recently.

I am happy to see that everybody agrees on the necessity of a good
interface with the non functional world. When I wrote that stuff, I
thought that few persons would concur.

I have another wish for Clean, and I would like to know how the Haskell
community addresses it. Two or three months ago, I needed to
disassemble  Java Class files. I searched the Internet for a
disassembler. The products I got were very different from each other.
They had only one feature in common: bugs.  None was able to disassemble
my programs. A few would fail even in such staple stuff like

Since most of these disassemblers were written in C, I decided to verify
whether a program written in Clean would be more reliable. Writing the
disassembler in Clean was very easy and fun. I finished the task in 
less than one day, and I am convinced that, if my disassembler is not
bug free,  it is in much better shape than the stuff from the Internet. 
Nevertheless, whenever I make a progamming mistake, Clean compiler
feedbacks me confusing and devious error messages. For example, there is
an error in  function nHex below. Can you guess what was the message? It

"size" no instance available of type []. 

Since there is a call to "size", and the error handler was showing a
position very close to it, I was convinced that the error was there. But
no!  The error is in the expression [toHex x \\ x <- (s%(i, i+n-1))]. Of
course, I am happy that functional languages find out my mistakes at
compile  time, not at run time, as C or Java.  However, it would be much
better if  functional languages could be as good to show where the error
is, as they are good to choose when to tell me that I made a blunder.

implementation module disasm;
import StdEnv;

dis :: String -> String;
dis s
# (cafebabe, i)= head s
; (minor, i)= minorVersion s i
; (major, i)= majorVersion s i // etc.
  [ cafebabe
  , minor
  , major /* etc. */];

head s
| magic == ("CAFEBABE", 4) = magic
| otherwise = abort "magic number not found\n"
where {magic= nHex 4 s 0 ""};

minorVersion s i = nHex 2 s i  "\t\t;Minor version";
majorVersion s i = nHex 2 s i  "\t\t;Major version";

toHex x= ByteToHex (toInt x);

ByteToHex  x = { toHexDigit (x/16), toHexDigit (x mod 16)};

toHexDigit x
| x < 10= toChar ((toInt '0')+x)
| otherwise= toChar ((toInt 'A')+x-10);

nHex n s i c
| i > (size s - n) = abort ("Out of boundary at"+++c)
| otherwise = 
     ( comment c [toHex x \\ x <- (s%(i, i+n-1))]
     , i+n);

concat xs= foldr (+++) "" (map nuLine xs);
comment c xs= foldr (+++)  c  xs;

$ = toChar;
nuLine x = x+++{$13,$13, $10};