2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Jan 1 22:29:54 MEST 2008
Ending: Mon Dec 29 15:02:56 MEST 2008
Messages: 394
- (again) [clean-list] why it doesn't work ... ?
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list]
FMCAD'08: Call for Participation (Nov. 17-20, Portland, Oregon, USA)
Lee Pike
- [clean-list]
Second Call for Participation TFP 2008, The Netherlands
Peter Achten
- [clean-list]
[ANNOUNCEMENT]: SICSA Chairs, Lectureships and Research
Fellowships at St Andrews
Kevin Hammond
- [clean-list] (+) is a binary function
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
- [clean-list] (+) is a binary function
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] (EC)^2: Final Call for Papers
- [clean-list] (no subject)
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] 10 December: ReMAR 2009 Extended Deadline - The
ASME/IFToMM International
Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009)
ReMAR 2009
- [clean-list] 1st call for participation AFP 2008, The Netherlands
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] 2008 ICFP Programming Contest
Tim Chevalier
- [clean-list] 2008 ICLP Doctoral Consortium
- [clean-list] 2008 ICLP Doctoral Consortium
- [clean-list] 2nd call for papers IFL 2008
Sven-Bodo Scholz
- [clean-list] 2nd call for participation AFP 2008, The Netherlands
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] 2nd CfP -- ESSLLI 2008 Student Session
Kata Balogh
- [clean-list] 3rd International Compulog/ALP Summer School on Logic
Programming and C
announce at krlab.cs.ttu.edu
- [clean-list] 3rd International Compulog/ALP Summer School on Logic
Programming and Computational Logic
announce at krlab.cs.ttu.edu
- [clean-list] [ANNOUNCEMENT]: PhD Studentship at St Andrews
Kevin Hammond
- [clean-list] [DSD08] DSD08 - Paper Submission Deadline extended to
March 17th, 2008
Luca Fanucci
- [clean-list] [dsd2009-l] Call for papers Digital System Design 2009
Antonio Nunez DSD2009
- [clean-list] [MPC'08] First call for participation
MPC'08 Organizers
- [clean-list] [plt-scheme] POPL 2009 Call for Workshop and
Co-located Event Proposals
Yitzhak Mandelbaum
- [clean-list] [TERMGRAPH 2009] Final CfP & Deadline extension,
December 22
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] A-MOST 2nd CfP - Extended Deadline - Special Issue
Lars Frantzen
- [clean-list] Admin request - archive this list at mail-archive.com
and google groups
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
aita08 at krlab.cs.ttu.edu
- [clean-list] ALICS workshop at LPAR
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] An annoying feature
Philippos Apolinarius
- [clean-list] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities and Activities Report
(15th ed., November 2008)
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Arrays: type annotation and pattern matching
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
- [clean-list] Arrays: type annotation and pattern matching
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Assertion failed in backend library if Start w =
Start w
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Assertion failed in backend library if Start w =
Start w
- [clean-list] Assertion failed in backend library if Start w =
Start w
- [clean-list] Assertion failed in backend library if Start w =
Start w
- [clean-list] Assertion failed in backend library if Start w = Start
- [clean-list] ATVA 2009: Call for Workshop Proposals
Wang Xu
- [clean-list] Automated Reasoning in Mathematics
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] Building Clean 2.2 on PS3
Michael Hogan
- [clean-list] BYTECODE09: 1st Call for Papers
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] BYTECODE09: 2nd Call for Papers
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] BYTECODE09: Last Call for Papers
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] CADE-22 call for workshop and tutorial proposals
Carsten Schuermann
- [clean-list] CADE-22 final call for workshop and tutorial proposals
Carsten Schuermann
- [clean-list] CADE-22 first call for papers
Carsten Schürmann
- [clean-list] CADE-22 second call for papers
Carsten Schuermann
- [clean-list] Call for CAV 08 Workshop Submissions
Aarti Gupta
- [clean-list] Call for Papers - ASME/IEEE International Conference
on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots (ReMAR 2009)
Jian S Dai
- [clean-list] Call for papers: POPL 2010
Swarat Chaudhuri
- [clean-list] Call for Papers: FLOSS-FM & OpenCert 2008 Joint
Ralf Treinen
- [clean-list] Call for Papers: MOMPES @ ICSE 2009
João Miguel Fernandes
- [clean-list] Call for Participation - Models@Runtime
Cédric Jeanneret
- [clean-list] Call for Participation -- CAV 2008
Aarti Gupta
- [clean-list] CAV 08 CFP: Early Registration to CLOSE on May 27
Aarti Gupta
- [clean-list] CAV 08: Final CFP (Reg deadline June 21)
Aarti Gupta
- [clean-list] CC 2009: abstracts due Oct 2
Oege.de.Moor at comlab.ox.ac.uk
- [clean-list] CC 2009: abstracts due Oct 2
Oege.de.Moor at comlab.ox.ac.uk
- [clean-list] CfC: Workshop on Resource Analysis
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
- [clean-list] CFP for Erlang Workshop 2008 (ICFP)
- [clean-list] CFP for TFP 2009
Horváth Zoltán
- [clean-list] CFP MEMOCODE 2009
memocode 2009
- [clean-list] CFP SBMF 2008
Patricia Duarte de L Machado / Prof. DSC
- [clean-list] CfP- Models@Runtime
Freddy Munoz
- [clean-list] CfP: 1st International Conference on Software Language
Engineering (SLE 2008)
Dragan Gasevic
- [clean-list] CFP: 2008 International Conference on Computational
Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'08
- [clean-list] CFP: 2008 International Conference on Computational
Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation - CIMCA'08
- [clean-list] CfP: 2008 Scheme workshop
William D Clinger
- [clean-list] CFP: 5th Workshop on Model Checking and AI
Doron Peled
- [clean-list] CfP: A-MOST 2009
Lars Frantzen
- [clean-list] CFP: ACM SAC 09 Software Verification and Testing
Tamara.Rezk at sophia.inria.fr
- [clean-list] CFP: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and
Systems (APLAS 2008)
Ganesan Ramalingam
- [clean-list] CFP: CICLOPS 2008
ciclops-org at clip.dia.fi.upm.es
- [clean-list] CFP: DATICS 2008 - Design,
Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems
- [clean-list] CFP: DTVCS 2008
Ka Lok Man
- [clean-list] CFP: ICCL Summer School 2008 in COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC
Luis Moniz Pereira
- [clean-list] CfP: ICTAC'09
Martin Leucker
- [clean-list] CfP: IJCAR08 Workshop --- Combining Systems for
Efficient and Scalable Reasoning
Dieter Hutter
- [clean-list] CFP: IWACO 2008
David.Clarke at cwi.nl
- [clean-list] CfP: TTSS'08 - Harnessing Theories for Tool Support in
Volker Stolz
- [clean-list] CIDM'09 - Call for Special Activities
IEEE Data Mining Symposium
- [clean-list] clean on mac osx and linux
- [clean-list] clean on mac osx and linux
Philip Matthews
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki FAQ updated
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki FAQ updated
Kirill Zaborski
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki FAQ updated
Bas Lijnse
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki online
Bas Lijnse
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki online
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki online
Bas Lijnse
- [clean-list] Clean Wiki online (Bas Lijnse)
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] clean-mode in emacs ?
HP Wei
- [clean-list] clean-mode in emacs ?
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] clean-mode in emacs ?
- [clean-list] clean-mode in emacs ?
HP Wei
- [clean-list] clean-mode in emacs ?
Bas Lijnse
- [clean-list] clean-mode in emacs ?
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] comments are welcome
Jigang Sun
- [clean-list] Computer Language Shoot Out
- [clean-list] CORCS 2008: 2nd Call for Papers (extended deadline!)
Cristina Seceleanu
- [clean-list] CORCS 2008: Call for Papers
Alexandre David
- [clean-list] CORCS 2008: Call for Papers - extended deadline
Alexandre David
- [clean-list] D.Phil (PhD) Studentship on ConDOR project at Oxford
University Computing Laboratory
Ian.Horrocks at comlab.ox.ac.uk
- [clean-list] DAMP 2009 CFP
Manuel Carro
- [clean-list] DAMP'09 -- Call for Participation
list at clip.dia.fi.upm.es
- [clean-list] Deadline Extension - Models@Runtime
Cédric Jeanneret
- [clean-list] DEFUN 2008 (Developer Tracks on Functional
Programming): Call for participation
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] DEFUN08: Call for Talks & Tutorials (co-located w/
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] DEFUN08: Final Call for Talks & Tutorials (deadline:
June 27)
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] DL2008 Second Call for Papers
Carsten Lutz
- [clean-list] Documentation of parser combinators
- [clean-list] Documentation of parser combinators
- [clean-list] Documentation of parser combinators
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] Does (<!?>) mean the element is optional?
- [clean-list] Does (<!?>) mean the element is optional?
- [clean-list] Draft paper submission deadline is extended: SETP-08
John Edward
- [clean-list] Early Registration Deadline: 1 May 2008. ESSLLI 2008,
Hamburg (Germany), 4-15 August 2008 (fwd)
- [clean-list] EASSS'08 -
European Agent Systems Summer School - Registration is Open
- [clean-list] ECOOP 2008 Call for Participation
David.Clarke at cwi.nl
- [clean-list] ECOOP 2009 Call for Papers
David.Clarke at cwi.nl
- [clean-list] ECOOP 2009 Call for Tutorials
David.Clarke at cwi.nl
- [clean-list] ECOOP 2009 Call for Workshops
David.Clarke at cwi.nl
- [clean-list] Erice School on "Graph Theory,
Algorithms and Applications"
Giuseppe F. Italiano
- [clean-list] ESSLLI Student Session - Call for papers
Thomas Icard
Bertram Fronhöfer
- [clean-list] FCfC: Workshop on Resource Analysis
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
- [clean-list] Final CFP and extended deadline IFL 2008
Sven-Bodo Scholz
- [clean-list] Finalizer
Shivkumar Chandrasekaran
- [clean-list] Finalizer
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Finall Call For Papers (DSL WC)
Emir Pasalic
- [clean-list] First Call for Papers: DSL WC
Emir Pasalic
- [clean-list] First Call for Participation TFP 2008,
The Netherlands (correct early registration date)
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] FMCAD 2008 Call For Papers
Lee Pike
- [clean-list] FMCAD 2008 CFP Deadline Extension! (May 19th)
Lee Pike
- [clean-list] FMCAD 2008: FINAL Call for Papers
Lee Pike
- [clean-list] FMCAD'08: Early registration ends Oct. 16th (Call for
Lee Pike
- [clean-list] FMICS 2009: First Call for Papers
FMICS 2009 workshop chair
- [clean-list] Font size and world value
Philippos Apolinarius
- [clean-list] FroCoS'09 Call for Papers
Roberto Sebastiani
- [clean-list] Fwd: Building Clean 2.2 on PS3
Michael Hogan
- [clean-list] Fwd: Building Clean 2.2 on PS3
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Fwd: Extended deadline SYNASC 2008 symposium
Synasc 2008
- [clean-list] fyi Clean in the Ubuntu benchmarks game
Isaac Gouy
- [clean-list] GPCE'08 Call for Participation
Emir Pasalic
- [clean-list] GPCE'08 First Call For Papers
Emir Pasalic
- [clean-list] GPCE'08 Second Call for Participation -- NEWS --
Pasalic Emir
- [clean-list] GPCE'08: Final Call for Papers
Emir Pasalic
- [clean-list] Haskell08: Call for papers (co-located w/ ICFP08)
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] Help with trapping Special Keys
Neil Wallis
- [clean-list] how-to questions
HP Wei
- [clean-list] how-to questions
Bas Lijnse
- [clean-list] ICANN 2008: 2nd Call for Papers, Deadline is March 3,
ICANN 2008
- [clean-list] ICFP08 Call for Participation
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICFP08 Final CFP
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICFP09 Announcement
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICFP09 Call for Papers
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICFP09: Call for Workshop Proposals
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICFP2008 Call for Papers
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICFP2008 Call for Poster proposals
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] ICLP'08 CALL FOR PAPERS
- [clean-list] ICLP'08 CALL FOR PAPERS
- [clean-list] ICLP'08 CALL FOR PAPERS
- [clean-list] ICLP'08 CALL FOR PAPERS
- [clean-list] ICLP'08 CALL FOR PAPERS
- [clean-list] ICSSEA 2008 International Conference: Software &
Systems Engineering an their Applications
Jean Claude Rault
- [clean-list] ICTAC'09: Call for Workshop Proposals
Martin Leucker
- [clean-list] IFL 2008 Call for Papers
Sven-Bodo Scholz
- [clean-list] IJCAR 2008 in Australia
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] IJCAR Calls and Awards
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] IJCAR in Australia, 1 month to go
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] IJCAR, last Call for Papers
geoff at cs.miami.edu
- [clean-list] imprecise exceptions?
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] imprecise exceptions?
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] in search of mac osx version
David Minor
- [clean-list] in search of mac osx version
Philip Matthews
- [clean-list] in search of mac osx version
佐原 伸
- [clean-list] in search of mac osx version
Yi, Philip
- [clean-list] in search of mac osx version
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] instance Array {#} a
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] instance Array {#} a
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Interpreter for Research Purposes
- [clean-list] ISMM 2008 Call for participation
- [clean-list] ISMM 2008 Early registration closes 14 May
- [clean-list] ISMM 2008: Call for papers deadline extended
- [clean-list] ISMM 2008: Call for papers deadline extended
- [clean-list] ISMM 2009 Call for Papers
Hillel Kolodner
- [clean-list] JELIA - registration opened
Bertram Fronhöfer
- [clean-list] Job announcement: 2 research engineers in dependable
scientific computing & 1 PhD student in applied formal methods
Joseph Kiniry
- [clean-list] KROW@KR2008: Final Call for Papers
Tommie Meyer
- [clean-list] LaSh08 Call for Papers
Marc Denecker
- [clean-list] LaSh08 Call for Papers
Marc Denecker
- [clean-list] LaSh08: Last Call for Papers
Joost Vennekens
- [clean-list] Lectureship in Functional Programming, Nottingham
Graham Hutton
- [clean-list] Lectureship in Functional Programming, Nottingham
Graham Hutton
- [clean-list] List index notation used on unboxed arrays in
Language Report?
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] List index notation used on unboxed arrays in Language
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
- [clean-list] Logic Programming: 25th International Conference CFP
Gopal Gupta
- [clean-list] LPAR 2008 (Qatar) CFP
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] LPAR Call for Papers
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] LPAR submission deadline extended
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] LPAR'08 workshops
Geoff Sutcliffe
- [clean-list] MetarParser.wordify - type signature
- [clean-list] MetarParser.wordify - type signature
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] MetarParser.wordify - type signature
- [clean-list] MetarParser.wordify - type signature
- [clean-list] MetarParser.wordify - type signature
- [clean-list] Middle Earth Programming Languages Seminar (MEPLS)
Emir Pasalic
- [clean-list] Minor but fun
- [clean-list] Minor but fun
John van Groningen
Christine Paulin
- [clean-list] MSFP 2008: call for participation
Conor McBride
- [clean-list] MULTICONF-09 call for papers
Peter james
- [clean-list] New names for Clean..
Philippos Apolinarius
- [clean-list] newbie questions
HP Wei
- [clean-list] newbie questions
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] PADL 09 Deadline Extension
Terrance Swift
- [clean-list] PADL'09: Call for Participation
Gopal Gupta
- [clean-list] Parser, why three type variables
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Parser, why three type variables
Erik Zuurbier
- [clean-list] Parser, why three type variables
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Parser, why three type variables
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] Parser, why three type variables
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Parsing: to drill or not to drill,
that is the question
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] Parsing: to drill or not to drill, that is the question
- [clean-list] PAuL 2008 2nd Call for Papers
PAuL 2008
- [clean-list] PAuL 2008 Call for Papers
PAuL 2008
- [clean-list] PAuL 2008 CfP Deadline Extension
PAuL 2008
- [clean-list] PEPM'09 -- Call for Participation
G. Puebla and G. Vidal
- [clean-list] PEPM'09 -- Final Call for Papers
G. Puebla and G. Vidal
- [clean-list] Ph.D. in Symbolic Computation at RISC-Linz
Guenter Landsmann
- [clean-list] PhD or PostDoc opening in Dresden, Germany
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] PhD positions in ICT on Formal Verification via SMT
available in Trento
Roberto Sebastiani
- [clean-list] PhD Positions in Secure Software and Languages
David.Clarke at cwi.nl
- [clean-list] PhD Studentship in Nancy (France)
Claire Gardent
- [clean-list] PhD Studentships at Kent
- [clean-list] Please answer this parsing question
- [clean-list] Please answer this parsing question
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] PLID'08 - 2nd Call for Contributions
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] PLID'08 - Last Call for Contributions
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] PLID'08: 1st Call for Contributions
Samir Genaim
- [clean-list] [plt-scheme] POPL 2009 Call for Workshop and
Co-located Event Proposals
Yitzhak Mandelbaum
- [clean-list] Postdoc position in NL Generation, Nancy, France
Claire Gardent
- [clean-list] PostDoc Positions in the Embedded System Unit of
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Marco Roveri
- [clean-list] PPDP 2008 - 2nd Call for Papers
Elvira Albert
- [clean-list] PPDP'08: Call for Papers
Elvira Albert
- [clean-list] PPDP'08: Call for Participation
Elvira Albert
- [clean-list] PPDP'08: Last Call for Papers
Elvira Albert
- [clean-list] QAPL 2008 Call for Presentations
QAPL 2008
- [clean-list] QAPL 2009 Call for Papers
QAPL 2009
- [clean-list] QAPL 2009 Call for Papers
QAPL 2009
- [clean-list] QAPL 2009 Call for Papers
QAPL 2009
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Attila Ondi
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Attila Ondi
- [clean-list] Question on destructive array updates
Attila Ondi
- [clean-list] RDP'09: 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals
Ralf Treinen
- [clean-list] RDP'09: Call for Workshop Proposals
Ralf Treinen
- [clean-list] Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities and
Activities Report (15th ed., November 2008)
Don Stewart
- [clean-list] Re: ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities and Activities
Report (15th ed., November 2008)
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
rinus plasmeijer
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
jerzy.karczmarczuk at info.unicaen.fr
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Richard O'Keefe
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
jerzy.karczmarczuk at info.unicaen.fr
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Peter Hercek
- [clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] Re: clean-list Digest, Vol 38, Issue 4
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Re: Question on destructive array updates
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Re: Question on destructive array updates
Attila Ondi
- [clean-list] Re: Rebranding Clean
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Re: Rebranding Clean
Richard A. O'Keefe
- [clean-list] Re: Rebranding Clean
jerzy.karczmarczuk at info.unicaen.fr
- [clean-list] Re: Rebranding Clean
rinus plasmeijer
- [clean-list] Re: Rebranding Clean
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Re: stupid question
- [clean-list] Re: where to look for module-functions --- Re: term
reading and writing
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] Re: why it doesn't work ... ?
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Peter Hercek
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Peter Hercek
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Benjamin L. Russell
- [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Philippos Apolinarius
- [clean-list] ReMAR 2009 : 2nd Call for Papers of the ASME/IEEE
International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots
ReMAR 2009
- [clean-list] Research Position on HermiT project at Oxford
University Computing Laboratory
Ian.Horrocks at comlab.ox.ac.uk
- [clean-list] RTA 2nd CFP (June 29 - July 1, 2009, Brasilia)
Hitoshi Ohsaki
- [clean-list] RTA'08: Call For Papers
Ashish Tiwari
- [clean-list] RTA'09 1st CFP
Hitoshi Ohsaki
- [clean-list] Russell'08, final call, extended deadline
Ulrich Berger
- [clean-list] S-Hack 2008: Workshop on S-Net and SaC
Stephan Herhut
- [clean-list] Sanskrit Transliteration - Parsing into Abstract
Syntax Trees
- [clean-list] Second Call for Papers TFP 2008, The Netherlands
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] Serious bug in the type system
Edsko de Vries
- [clean-list] Serious bug in the type system
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Serious bug in the type system
Edsko de Vries
- [clean-list] Serious bug in the type system
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] SETP-08 Draft paper submission is deadline is just few
days from now
John Edward
- [clean-list] SETP-08 Final call for papers
John Edward
- [clean-list] SETP-09 call for papers
John Edward
- [clean-list] SETP-09 call for papers
John Edward
- [clean-list] Simplified uniqueness typing
Jari-Matti Mäkelä
- [clean-list] Simplified uniqueness typing
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] Simplified uniqueness typing
Marco Kesseler
- [clean-list] SNSC'08: Final SFB F013 Conference
SNSC 2008
- [clean-list] SOFSEM'09 Call for Papers
Frank D. Valencia
- [clean-list] Special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation
on "Automated Deduction: Decidability, Complexity, Tractability''
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans
- [clean-list] Status of Famke
Kirill Zaborski
- [clean-list] Status of Famke
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Summer School -- Screw-Theory based methods and their
application in robotics
Rezia Molfino
- [clean-list] Summer School Announcement
Bertram Fronhöfer
- [clean-list] Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative
Languages (PADL'09)
Gopal Gupta
- [clean-list] Tableaux 2009: Second CfP
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans
- [clean-list] term reading and writing
HP Wei
- [clean-list] term reading and writing
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] TERMGRAPH 2009 - First Call for Papers
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] TERMGRAPH 2009 - Second Call for Papers [Deadline:
December 15]
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] TERMGRAPH 2009 - Second Call for Papers [Deadline:
December 15]
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] Termination of console programs under Windows
Norbert Zeh
- [clean-list] Termination of console programs under Windows
- [clean-list] Termination of console programs under Windows
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Termination of console programs under Windows
Norbert Zeh
- [clean-list] Termination of console programs under Windows
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Third Call For Papers TFP 2008,
The Netherlands (deadline extended march 10 2008)
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] Third Call for Participation AFP 2008 (correct date
early registration)
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] TLCA 09 - Call for Paper - Update
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] TLCA' 09: Final Call for Papers
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] TLCA'09 - Preliminary Call for Papers
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] TLCA'09 Last Call For Paper
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] understanding a right-associative parser combinator
- [clean-list] understanding of leftmost innermost and rightmost
Jigang Sun
- [clean-list] Update head of the list in-place?
Edsko de Vries
- [clean-list] Update head of the list in-place?
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Update head of the list in-place?
Edsko de Vries
- [clean-list] Update head of the list in-place?
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Update head of the list in-place?
Edsko de Vries
- [clean-list] Updated Call for Papers: KR 2008
Tommie Meyer
- [clean-list] Updating unique structures in unique structures
in unique structures
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Updating unique structures in unique structures
in unique structures
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Updating unique structures in unique structures in
unique structures
Norbert Zeh
- [clean-list] Updating unique structures in unique structures in
unique structures
- [clean-list] Updating unique structures in unique structures in
unique structures
Norbert Zeh
- [clean-list] using the IDE to experiment with types ("string"
versus 'string' versus ['string']
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
- [clean-list] using the IDE to experiment with types ("string"
versus 'string' versus ['string']
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] UTP08: call for work in progress papers
Andrew Butterfield
- [clean-list] VMCAI 2009: Call for Papers
Markus Mueller-Olm
- [clean-list] VMCAI 2009: Call for Participation
Markus Mueller-Olm
- [clean-list] VMCAI 2009: Submission is open
Markus Mueller-Olm
- [clean-list] WADT 2008 - Call for Papers
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] WADT 2008 - Final Call for Papers
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] WADT 2008 - Last Call for Papers [deadline extension]
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] WADT 2008 - Second Call for Papers
Andrea Corradini
- [clean-list] What does the L mean in the expression:
:CloudsVertVisibility = L [CloudsVV] | SkyClear
Erik Zuurbier
- [clean-list] What does the L mean in the expression: :
CloudsVertVisibility = L [CloudsVV] | SkyClear
- [clean-list] What does the L mean in the expression: :
CloudsVertVisibility = L [CloudsVV] | SkyClear
- [clean-list] where are function type restrictions discussed?
- [clean-list] where are function type restrictions discussed?
- [clean-list] where are function type restrictions discussed?
Thomas van Noort
- [clean-list] where are function type restrictions discussed?
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] where are function type restrictions discussed?
Arthur Gold
- [clean-list] where to look for module-functions --- Re: term
reading and writing
HP Wei
- [clean-list] why is the notation for list and array
indexing different?
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
- [clean-list] why is the notation for list and array indexing
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com
- [clean-list] why is the notation for list and array indexing
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] why it doesn't work ... ?
Carlos Aya
- [clean-list] WLPE'08 - Call for Papers
- [clean-list] WLPE'08 - Call for Papers,
deadline extended to Sep 21st
- [clean-list] WLPE'08 -- Call for Papers
Puri Arenas
- [clean-list] Workshop on Generic Programming: Call for
Participation (co-located w/ ICFP08)
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] Workshop on Generic Programming: Call for Papers
(co-located w/ ICFP08)
Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
- [clean-list] WRS 2008 - 2nd CFP
aart.middeldorp at uibk.ac.at
- [clean-list] Yet another compiler crash
- [clean-list] Yet another compiler crash
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Yet another compiler crash
John van Groningen
- Res: [clean-list] Rebranding Clean
Alexsandro Soares
Last message date:
Mon Dec 29 15:02:56 MEST 2008
Archived on: Mon Dec 29 15:03:17 MEST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).