[clean-list] Re: Any scheduled release data for Clean 2.3?

Benjamin L. Russell DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com
Wed Nov 5 05:39:13 MET 2008

Sorry; the subject should have been as follows:

"Any scheduled release date for Clean 2.3?"

(I.e., replace "data" with "date" in the original subject.)

Sorry for the typo.

-- Benjamin L. Russell

On Wed, 05 Nov 2008 11:36:09 +0900, "Benjamin L. Russell"
<DekuDekuplex at Yahoo.com> wrote:

>Since there hasn't been much activity here lately, I just wanted to
>check if there was any tentative release date for Clean 2.3, and if
>so, what changes, if any, might be scheduled.
>-- Benjamin L. Russell

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