[clean-list] CfC: Workshop on Resource Analysis

Hans-Wolfgang Loidl hwloidl at tcs.ifi.lmu.de
Wed Aug 6 22:12:34 MEST 2008

[ apologies for multiple copies -- HWL ]


			    Workshop on Resource Analysis
		      University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK
				 9th September, 2008


Static  analyses for inferring  bounds on  the resource  consumption of  programs are
receiving increasing  interest in several application  areas. A resource  can be heap
space,  execution  time  or  any  other quantitative  aspect  of  program  execution.
Resource  bounds can  be used  to certify  that (embedded)  system resources  are not
exhausted, to guide reservation policies in Grid-like infrastructures, to enhance the
adaptivity  of high-performance  runtime-environments or  simply represent  a quality
seal for provably efficient  algorithms.  For inferring high-quality resource bounds,
approaches such  as type-based inference,  abstract interpretation or  model checking
can be applied.  This workshop strives to bring together researchers active in one or
more areas  of resource  analysis.  This covers,  but is  not limited to  the design,
foundations, verification, implementation, and application of resource analyses.


Contributions are sought for in the  form of (extended) abstracts, or full papers. No
formal proceedings will be produced, but the submitted material and the slides of the
presentations    will   be   made    available   on    the   following    web   page:

Contributions shall be submitted as PDF files by email to:
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (hwloidl A_T tcs.ifi.lmu.de).


This will  be a  one-day informal workshop  with presentations, demos  and discussion
sessions, covering various  aspects of resource analysis. The  workshop is planned to
start at  about 10:30am  and last to  about 5pm.   Registration is done  jointly with
IFL08 via the following web page

Payment  for accommodation  and a  small  registration fee  can be  made either  when
co-registering for IFL08 or directly on-site (cash only).


This  workshop is  organised by  the members  of the  EmBounded project.   For direct
requests please contact Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (hwloidl A_T tcs.ifi.lmu.de).


Co-registration with IFL08:	25th August, 2008
Submission of presentations:	1st September, 2008
Workshop:			9th September, 2008


IFL08:		http://events.sac-home.org/ifl2008
EmBounded:	http://www.embounded.org/

  Hans-Wolfgang Loidl

Tel: +4989 21809864 Fax: +4989 21809338 E-Mail: hwloidl at tcs.ifi.lmu.de

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Institut für Informatik (Theoretische Informatik)
Oettingenstraße 67
D 80538  München, Germany                                 

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