[clean-list] ECOOP 2009 Call for Tutorials

David.Clarke at cwi.nl David.Clarke at cwi.nl
Fri Nov 14 10:41:52 MET 2008

23rd European Conference on Object Oriented Programming
       July 6th - 10th 2009, Genova, Italy

                 CALL FOR TUTORIALS


The ECOOP 2009 Summer School will consist of prestigious tutorials on 
exciting current topics in software, systems, and languages research. 
The scope of the ECOOP Summer School is the same as the conference 
itself: all areas relevant to object technology, including work that 
takes inspiration from or builds connections to areas not commonly 
considered object-oriented. Tutorials should introduce researchers 
to current research in an area, and/or to show important new tools 
that can be used in research.

The ECOOP 2009 Summer School will consist of tutorials that will last 
90 minutes, and will be free to all attendees, scheduled during the 
main conference.

Tutorial presenters will receive a tutorial room, standard AV equipment 
during a 90 minute session during the ECOOP conference, which will take 
place between 6-10 July 2009.

Tutorials presenters must register themselves for participation in 
ECOOP --- the summer school cannot in general reimburse fees, but 
instead offers presenters a once-in-a-lifetime chance to interest 
ECOOP attendees, graduate students, and other researchers in your 
research area or tools (and undying fame). So, if you think ECOOP 
people need to know more about the area you work in, or could 
benefit from the great new tool you have developed, then you should 
propose an ECOOP summer school tutorial on this topic.

A tutorial proposal (2 pages in LNCS format) should contain the names 
and email address of all presenters; the proposed topic to be covered 
by the tutorial; a tutorial outline; and a rationale explaining why 
ECOOP cannot be without your tutorial in 2009, and why you are the 
best people in the world to present this tutorial!

Proposals should be submitted via the ECOOP submission system (tutorials 
category). For any other questions, contact the ECOOP 2009 summer school 
committee: http://2009.ecoop.org/committees.html#summer-school-committee

Important dates

Tutorial proposals	January, 15, 2009
Notification of acceptance	February 16, 2009

Summer School Committee

Antonio Cisternino (University of Pisa, Italy)
Paola Giannini (University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy)
James Noble (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

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