[clean-list] Re: Rebranding Clean

rinus plasmeijer rinus at cs.ru.nl
Tue Feb 12 15:04:59 MET 2008

Hi Carlos and everybody else on the Clean list,

Carlos, you are right.
We are a very small team and, as you said, we are indeed very busy exploring 
new avenues for the language.

I agree that a wiki would be very helpful, because it allows everybody to 
make contributions, not just the Clean team.
By making these contribution, you and everybody else who likes Clean can 
help to make Clean more accessible to the world.

We already discussed this in the team and decided to set up a wiki, but we 
did not yet had the time to do it.
For reasons of stability and continuity I think it is best that we host the 
wiki site here in Nijmegen.
We now have more manpower, so I expect the wiki to be available within a 
couple of days.
We will make an initial framework,  but of course, the wiki has to be 
maintained by all it's users.

On the suggestion of changing the name of Clean: no, it won't change.
When I type "clean functional programming" in Google I get a lot of hits, 
most of them seem to be pointing to relevant pages.
I don't think that changing the name will help, it will just cause more 

I have to admit that I am pretty bad in PR.
I hope you can all help us to make the Clean brand more popular.

What we in Nijmegen can do is make Clean more useful.

When the wiki is in the air, I will tell you more about the latest 



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