ICLP 08 iclp08pub at cs.nmsu.edu
Thu Oct 16 16:46:11 MEST 2008

                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                            ** October 26, 2008 **

              24th International Conference on Logic Programming
                     Udine, Italy, December 9th-13th, 2008

We  are  pleased  to  announce  the  24th  International  Conference  on  Logic
Programming, to be held in Udine, Italy, in December 2008.

The  ICLP'08 program includes 37 regular presentations, 26 short presentations,
2  invited  talks,  4  tutorials,  5  workshops (ASPOCP, WG17, ALPSWS, WLPE and
CICLOPS) and the traditional logic programming contest.

The  program  features  the  invited talks by Vitor Santos Costa, University of
Porto and by Pedro Domingos, University of Washington.

The tutorials include presentations given by:

 - Tom Schrijvers (Constraint Handling Rules)
 - Peter O'Hearn (Separation Logic)
 - Carla Piazza e Alberto Policriti (Systems Biology: Models and Logics)
 - Angelo Montanari (Temporal Logics)

The  conference  celebrates  the 20th anniversary of the stable-model semantics
with  a  special  session at ICLP 2008 dedicated to answer-set programming. The
session  will  feature  invited  talks  by Michael Gelfond, Vladimir Lifschitz,
Nicola  Leone  and  David Pearce, as well as by other major contributors to the
field,  presenting  personal  perspectives  on  the stable-model semantics, its
impact and its future.

An  additional  highlight  of  the  program  is  a session aimed at uniting and
inspiring the Prolog community, organized by Tom Schrijvers and Bart Demoen.

Online registration for ICLP is open at:


New deadline for early registration is October 26, 2008 (strict).

For further information: iclp08 at cs.nmsu.edu

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