[clean-list] (+) is a binary function
Thomas van Noort
thomas at cs.ru.nl
Sun Aug 24 14:08:32 MEST 2008
The signature from the Clean Book is correct, + is not only a binary
function but also a type class taking one type argument (as defined on
page 16):
class (+) infixl 6 a :: a a -> a
The confusion might originate from the fact that this definition is
shorthand notation for:
class + a where
(+) infixl 6 :: a a -> a
This definition clarifies the fact that + is a binary function taking two
arguments and a type class as well taking a single type argument.
The shorthand notation is probably introduced for type classes that only
define a single function with the same name as the type class.
terrence.x.brannon at jpmchase.com wrote:
> This seems like an obvious statement, but I am reading the Clean Book
> and saw this annotation for double:
> double :: a -> a | + a
> which reads as "double is a function which takes an argument of type a
> and returns and value of type a provided that a version of + is defined
> which can handle arguments of type a"
> But my question is: since (+) is a binary function, shouldnt that read:
> double :: a -> a | + a a
> --
> Terrence Brannon - SID W049945
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