[clean-list] CADE-22 second call for papers

Carsten Schuermann carsten at itu.dk
Fri Dec 19 14:38:20 MET 2008

                     SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS

     22nd International Conference on Automated Deduction
               McGill University, Montreal, Canada
                        August 2-7, 2009

                Submission Deadline: 23 Feb 2009

 CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all
 aspects of automated deduction. The conference programme will
 include invited talks, paper presentations, system
 descriptions, workshops, tutorials, and system competitions.

 We invite high-quality submissions on the general topic of
 automated deduction, including foundations, applications,
 implementations and practical experiences.

 Logics of interest include, but are not limited to

   o propositional, first-order, equational, higher-order,
     classical, description, modal, temporal, many-valued,
     intuitionistic, other non-classical, meta-logics,
     logical frameworks, type theory and set theory.

 Methods of interest include, but are not limited to

   o saturation, resolution, instance-based, tableaux, sequent
     calculi, natural deduction, term rewriting, decision
     procedures, model generation, model checking, constraint
     solving, induction, unification, proof planning, proof
     checking, proof presentation and explanation.

 Applications of interest include, but are not limited to

   o program analysis and verification, hardware verification,
     mathematics, natural language processing, computational
     linguistics, knowledge representation, ontology reasoning,
     deductive databases, functional and logic programming,
     robotics, planning, and other areas of AI.

 Konstantin Korovin   The University of Manchester
 Martin Rinard        Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 Mark Stickel         SRI International

 A two-day workshop and tutorial programme will be co-organized
 with the conference. In addition, the annual CADE ATP System
 Competition (CASC) will be held during the conference. Details
 will be published in separate calls and on the conference

 The proceedings of the conference will be published in the
 Springer LNAI/LNCS series.

 Submissions can be made in the categories 'regular papers' and
 'system descriptions'. The page limit in Springer LNCS style is
 15 pages for regular papers and 5 pages for system
 descriptions. Full system descriptions that provide in-depth
 presentation of original ideas in an implemented system can be
 submitted as regular papers. For the benefit of reviewers,
 additional material may be provided by a clearly marked
 appendix or a reference to a manuscript on a website. It is at
 the discretion of the reviewers whether such supplements will
 be considered. All regular papers will be evaluated according
 to the highest standards in terms of originality, significance,
 technical quality, and readability.

 Submissions must be in English and standard conforming pdf
 format. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for
 publication elsewhere. Authors are strongly encouraged to
 produce their papers in LaTeX.

 Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be
 obtained via http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.

 To submit your paper please use the EasyChair submission system
 at this address:

 A paper title and a short abstract of about 100 words must be
 submitted before the paper.

     16  Feb 2009 Abstract submission deadline
     23  Feb 2009 Paper submission deadline
     10  Apr 2009 Notification of paper decisions
     14  May 2009 Camera-ready papers due

     2-3 Aug 2009 Workshops & Tutorials
     4-7 Aug 2009 Conference, including CASC

 Alessandro Armando     Università di Genova
 Franz Baader           Technische Universität Dresden
 Peter Baumgartner      NICTA, Canberra
 Maria Paola Bonacina   Università degli Studi di Verona
 Bernhard Beckert       Universität Koblenz-Landau
 Nikolaj Bjørner        Microsoft Research
 Alessandro Cimatti     Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e
                            Tecnologica, Trento
 Silvio Ghilardi        Università degli Studi di Milano
 Jürgen Giesl           RWTH Aachen
 Rajeev Goré            The Australian National University
 Reiner Hähnle          Chalmers University of Technology
 John Harrison          Intel Corporation
 Miki Hermann           École Polytechnique
 Ullrich Hustadt        University of Liverpool
 Katsumi Inoue          National Institute of Informatics, Japan
 Tommi Junttila         Helsinki University of Technology
 Deepak Kapur           University of New Mexico
 Alexander Leitsch      Technische Universität Wien
 Christopher Lynch      Clarkson University
 Claude Marché          INRIA Saclay, Parc Orsay Université
 William McCune         University of New Mexico
 Aart Middeldorp        Universität Innsbruck
 Hans de Nivelle        University of Wroclaw
 Albert Oliveras        Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
 Lawrence Paulson       University of Cambridge
 Brigitte Pientka       McGill University
 David Plaisted         University of North Carolina
                            at Chapel Hill
 Michaël Rusinowitch    LORIA-INRIA-Lorraine
 Renate Schmidt (Chair) The University of Manchester
 Carsten Schürmann      IT-Universitetet i København
 Aaron Stump            The University of Iowa
 Geoff Sutcliffe        University of Miami
 Cesare Tinelli         The University of Iowa
 Andrei Voronkov        The University of Manchester
 Christoph Weidenbach   Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik

 Conference Chair:          
     Brigitte Pientka   McGill University
 Workshop & Tutorial Chair:
     Aaron Stump        The University of Iowa
 Publicity Chair:           
     Carsten Schürmann  IT-Universitetet i København
 PC Chair:                  
     Renate Schmidt     The University of Manchester

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