[clean-list] Rebranding Clean

Peter Hercek phercek at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 15:29:22 MET 2008

If it is renamed at all most of the proposed names have significantly above
 100000 hits on goole by themselves. Some are as bad as the current name.
 You want something sufficiently unique. Best would be to create some
 acronym which is unique enough.
 From the proposed names I could only imagine something like "KireiWa".
Though native English and Japanese speakers should check that it does
 not sound funny and whether it makes sense :-D


Benjamin L. Russell wrote:
> Here are some of my original suggestions for a new
> name for Concurrent Clean:
> * Curry
> * Clean Curry
> * Godel (in reference to Kurt Godel, a logician from
> Austria-Hungary)
> * Escher (in reference to M. C. Escher, a Dutch
> graphic artist with a mathematical approach to artwork
> creation)
> * Bach (in reference to J. S. Bach, a German
> composer/organist who composed a six-part fugue)
> * Kirei (a Japanese term for "beautiful/clean")
> * Wa (a Japanese term for "peace/balance/total")
> * Bi (a Japanese term for "beauty")
> * Quantum
> * Russell (in reference to Bertrand Russell, a British
> logician)
> * Cantor (in reference to Georg Cantor, a German
> mathematician)
> * Whitehead (in reference to Alfred North Whitehead, a
> British logician)
> * Wittgenstein (in reference to Ludwig Wittgenstein,
> an Austrian philosopher)
> * Turing (in reference to Alan Turing, an English
> mathematician, logician, and cryptographer)
> * Church (in reference to Alonzo Church, an American
> mathematician and logician)
> * Perlis (in reference to Alan Perlis, an American
> computer scientist)
> * Nijmegen (the city in The Netherlands where Software
> Technology Research Group, the makers of Concurrent
> Clean, are located)
> * von Neumann (in reference to John von Neumann, a
> Hungarian mathematican who developed the von Neumann
> architecture)
> * Euclid (in reference to Euclid of Alexandria, a
> Greek mathematician of the Hellenistic period)
> * Socrates (in reference to a classical Greek
> philosopher of the same name, who created the Socratic
> Method)
> Just for fun, may I also (somewhat facetiously)
> suggest the following names, since they concern a
> scientist from a different field (physics) who is
> often associated with creativity and imagination:
> * Einstein (in reference to Albert Einstein, a
> German-born theoretical physicist)
> * Lieserl (in reference to Lieserl Einstein, Albert
> Einstein's daughter)
> * Mileva (in refernce to Mileva Maric, Albert
> Einstein's wife)
> On another note, in the paper "A History of Haskell:
> Being Lazy With Class"
> (http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/papers/history-of-haskell/history.pdf),
> on the second column of page 4, a list of names that
> were considered when naming Haskell is listed.  This
> list could be useful when renaming Concurrent Clean. 
> Those names are as follows:
> * Semla
> * Haskell
> * Vivaldi
> * Mozart
> * CFL (Common Functional Language)
> * Funl 88
> * Semlor
> * Candle (Common Applicative Notation for Denoting
> Lambda Expressions)
> * Fun
> * David
> * Nice
> * Light
> * ML Nouveau (or Miranda Nouveau, or LML Nouveau, or
> ...)
> * Mirabelle
> * Concord
> * LL
> * Slim
> * Meet
> * Leval
> * Curry
> * Frege
> * Peano
> * Ease
> * Portland
> * Haskell B Curry
> According to the report, after each participant then
> crossed out a name that he disliked, the only name
> left was "Curry."
> However, two of the participants then realized that
> they "would be left with a lot of curry puns (aside
> from the spice, and the thought of currying favour,
> the one that truly horrified [them] was Tim Curry--TIM
> was John Fairbairn's abstract machine, and Tim Curry
> was famous for playing the lead in the Rocky Horror
> Picture Show).  So the next day, after some further
> discussion, [they] settled on 'Haskell' as the name
> for the new language.  Only later did [they] realise
> that this was too easily confused with Pascal or
> Hassle!"
> Indeed, people in the United States often ask if I
> mean "Pascal" when I say "Haskell," and it is easy to
> confuse "hassle" and "hustle" (they sound exactly the
> same in transliteration in Japanese) with "Haskell." 
> One reader suggested the following name 
> * Hackell
> on a thread on the popular general Japanese discussion
> forum "2 channel" (for those who can read Japanese,
> the URL is
> http://pc11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/tech/1128011645/42-142).
> As a last note, since "Clean" is an adjective, why not
> the following adjective:
> * Curried
> Benjamin L. Russell

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