[clean-list] S-Hack 2008: Workshop on S-Net and SaC

Stephan Herhut s.a.herhut at herts.ac.uk
Mon Mar 17 17:50:11 MET 2008

Motto : From Solo to Symphony - Making your application go multi-core!

Website : http://events.sac-home.org/s-hack/

When? : Mon. 14.4. - Wed. 16.4. 2008

Where? : University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK; 51.7522 N 0.242 W

Who can participate? :

Anybody who has a computationally intensive application which can be
expressed in terms of non-recursive data structures and operations
thereon and who wants to have it all:

   * a nice and intuitive high-level specification
   * and high-performance, parallelised execution on multi-core architectures!

Agenda :

Mo / Tue : tutorials on our functional streaming & data parallel framework
Tue / Wed : you start your own application using our framework

Costs? : participation is free; hacking essentials such as coffee and
electricity on a 24 hour basis also come for free!

Catch? : we only have a limited amount of places available and will
give these away on a first come first serve basis!

How can I register? : Send an email to events at sac-home.org in which you state:

   * your name
   * your affiliation
   * the nature of your application

Stephan Herhut
Centre for Computer Science and Informatics Research
Science and Technology Research Institute
University of Hertfordshire

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