[clean-list] TLCA 09 - Call for Paper - Update

Luca Paolini paolini at di.unito.it
Tue Oct 14 15:41:21 MEST 2008

Ninth  International Conference on
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA '09)

                 Brasilia, July 01-03, 2009

Part of Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and
Programming (RDP'09)


** Title and abstract due    5 January 2009 **
** Deadline for submission  12 January 2009 **

The TLCA series of conferences serves as a forum for presenting
original research results that are broadly relevant to the theory
and applications of typed calculi. The following list of topics
is non-exhaustive:

     * Proof-theory: Natural deduction and sequent calculi, cut
       elimination and normalisation, linear logic and proof nets,
       type-theoretic aspects of computational complexity
     * Semantics: Denotational semantics, game semantics,
       realisability, categorical models
     * Implementation: Abstract machines, parallel execution, optimal
       reduction, type systems for program optimisation
     * Types: Subtypes, dependent types, type inference, polymorphism,
       types in theorem proving
     * Programming: Foundational aspects of functional and
       object-oriented programming, proof search and logic programming,
       connections between and combinations of functional and logic
       programming, type checking

The programme of TLCA'09 will consist of three invited talks (one common
with the Conference Rewriting Techniques and
Applications) and about 25 papers selected from original contributions.
Accepted papers will  be published as a volume of Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series

Invited Speakers

There will be invited talks by:

* Marcelo Fiore (Univ. of Cambridge)
* Jean-Louis Krivine (Univ. Paris 7)
* (A joint invited speaker)

The submitted papers should describe original work and should allow
the Programme Committee to assess the merits of the contribution. In
particular references and comparisons with related work should be
included. Submission of material already published or submitted to
other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed. Papers
should not exceed 15 pages in Springer LNCS format

Instructions for online submissions are found at the conference


Important Dates:
Title and abstract due   Monday January 5
Deadline for submission  Monday January 12
Referee reports due, PC discussion starts   Sat February 28
Notification acceptance/rejection           Fri March 20
Final Versions sent in by authors  Fri April 10

TLCA'09 Program Committee:

Zena Ariola, University of Oregon
Patrick Baillot, CNRS and ENS Lyon
Thierry Coquand, Goteborg University,
Pierre-Louis Curien , CNRS and University Paris 7 (PC Chair)
René David , Université de Savoie
Dan Ghica , University of Birmingham
Ryu Hasegawa , Tokyo University
Barry Jay , University of Technology, Sydney
Soren Lassen , Google, Sydney
Luca Paolini , University of Torino
Frank Pfenning , Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas Streicher , Technical University of Darmstad

TLCA Steering Committe:
Samson Abramsky, Oxford, chair
Henk Barendregt, Nijmegen
Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Turin
Roger Hindley, Swansea
Martin Hofmann, Munich
Pawel Urzyczyn, Warsaw
Simona Ronchi Della Rocca, Torino

TLCA Publicity Chair:
Luca Paolini

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