January 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jan 1 18:32:41 CET 2014
Ending: Fri Jan 31 20:05:09 CET 2014
Messages: 152
- [FieldTrip] 'Synaesthesia in Perspective' symposium programme update: registr
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] 'Synaesthesia in Perspective' symposium programme update: registration still open
van Leeuwen, Tessa
- [FieldTrip] 2-dipole beamformer
Haris Tzagarakis
- [FieldTrip] 2-dipole beamformer
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] Antw: Creating a head model using OPENMEEG - Intersecting mesh er
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] Antw: Creating a head model using OPENMEEG - Intersecting mesh error
Gregor Volberg
- [FieldTrip] Antw: Creating a head model using OPENMEEG - Intersecting mesh error
Roey Schurr
- [FieldTrip] Antw: Creating a head model using OPENMEEG - Intersecting mesh error
Daniel Wong
- [FieldTrip] Any insight about Transfer Entropy?
woun zoo
- [FieldTrip] Any insight about Transfer Entropy?
Tom Holroyd (NIH/NIMH) [E]
- [FieldTrip] Any insight about Transfer Entropy?
Patricia Wollstadt
- [FieldTrip] bootstrap
Raghavan Gopalakrishnan
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
"Jörn M. Horschig"
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
Julian Keil
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
Herring, J.D. (Jim)
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
Herring, J.D. (Jim)
- [FieldTrip] BrainProducts Easycap layout
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] cannot combine planar grads with ft_combineplaner
Mads Jensen
- [FieldTrip] cannot combine planar grads with ft_combineplaner
Demarchi, Gianpaolo
- [FieldTrip] cannot combine planar grads with ft_combineplaner
Mads Jensen
- [FieldTrip] Choice of repairchannel algorithm
Alik Widge
- [FieldTrip] connectivity analysis with rereferenced EEG data
Victoria Schröder
- [FieldTrip] connectivity analysis with rereferenced EEG data
"Jörn M. Horschig"
- [FieldTrip] connectivity analysis with rereferenced EEG data
Victoria Schröder
- [FieldTrip] connectivity from source analysis
Azeez Adebimpe
- [FieldTrip] Creating a head model using OPENMEEG - Intersecting mesh error
Roey Schurr
- [FieldTrip] Creating a head model using OPENMEEG - Intersecting mesh error
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] degrees of freedom
Roy Cox
- [FieldTrip] degrees of freedom
Herring, J.D. (Jim)
- [FieldTrip] degrees of freedom
Roy Cox
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Herring, J.D. (Jim)
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Stan van Pelt
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Vladimir Litvak
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Vladimir Litvak
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Vladimir Litvak
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Max Cantor
- [FieldTrip] downsampling CTF data prior to ft_preprocessing
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] Empirical Bayesian for the EEG Inverse Problem
ingenieur eniso
- [FieldTrip] Error after MNE
Nicholas Heugel
- [FieldTrip] Error after MNE
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] Error after MNE
Nicholas Heugel
- [FieldTrip] Fieldtrip on Mac
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] Fieldtrip on Mac
Stephen Politzer-Ahles
- [FieldTrip] fit volume segment and sensors
s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
- [FieldTrip] freqanalysis
Victoria Schröder
- [FieldTrip] ft_combineplanar on Neuromagdata
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] ft_combineplanar on Neuromagdata
Hanneke.vanDijk at med.uni-duesseldorf.de
- [FieldTrip] ft_combineplanar on Neuromagdata
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] ft_connectivityanalysis for one long trial
Julien Catanese
- [FieldTrip] ft_rejectvisual problem
Ozan Çağlayan
- [FieldTrip] ft_rejectvisual problem
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] ft_rejectvisual problem
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] ft_rejectvisual problem
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] ft_rejectvisual problem
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics and sourcegrandaverage time series
Kaelasha Tyler
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics and sourcegrandaverage time series
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics and sourcegrandaverage time series
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics and sourcegrandaverage time series
Kaelasha Tyler
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics and sourcegrandaverage time series
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics and sourcegrandaverage time series
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
Joram van Driel
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
Lam, Nietzsche
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
Joram van Driel
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
Joram van Driel
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] ft_sourcestatistics cannot find field 'pos'
Joram van Driel
- [FieldTrip] ft_statistics_montecarlo runs slow under ubuntu 13.10
berry van den berg
- [FieldTrip] ft_statistics_montecarlo runs slow under ubuntu 13.10
berry van den berg
- [FieldTrip] ft_statistics_montecarlo runs slow under ubuntu 13.10
berry van den berg
- [FieldTrip] ft_timelockstatistics
Raghavan Gopalakrishnan
- [FieldTrip] ft_timelockstatistics
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] ft_volumerealign: issue when coregistering to headshape
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] Fwd: Problem with ICA using data exported via Brainvision analyser
Max Cantor
- [FieldTrip] How to plot ERP waveforms
- [FieldTrip] How to plot ERP waveforms
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] How to plot ERP waveforms
"Jörn M. Horschig"
- [FieldTrip] interactions
Joshua Hartshorne
- [FieldTrip] interactions
Stephen Politzer-Ahles
- [FieldTrip] interactions
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] interactions
Eric Maris
- [FieldTrip] Job vacancy in Kleve, Germany
"Jörn M. Horschig"
- [FieldTrip] missing anatomy in source plot of ft_sourcegrandaverage
Joram van Driel
- [FieldTrip] Negative values of debiased wPLI
Ramin Azodi
- [FieldTrip] PhD position Ghent University, Belgium
Herring, J.D. (Jim)
- [FieldTrip] PhD positions in Freiburg, Germany
"Jörn M. Horschig"
- [FieldTrip] Post-Doctoral Position available in Glasgow
Frédéric Roux
- [FieldTrip] Postdoc position in comparative/computational emotion neuroscience at University of Zurich, starting 2014
Dominik R Bach
- [FieldTrip] Problems loading in m BrainVision files
Norman Benbrahim
- [FieldTrip] Problems loading in m BrainVision files
Herring, J.D. (Jim)
- [FieldTrip] Problems loading in m BrainVision files
Norman Benbrahim
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Thomas.Baumgarten at med.uni-duesseldorf.de
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Tobias Staudigl
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Andre Cravo
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Pierre Mégevand
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Thomas.Baumgarten at med.uni-duesseldorf.de
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Antje Strauss
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Stanley A. KLEIN
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Thomas.Baumgarten at med.uni-duesseldorf.de
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] Problems with statistics for circular data
Andre Cravo
- [FieldTrip] problem with ft_volumerealign and ft_convert_coordsys
s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
- [FieldTrip] problem with ft_volumerealign and ft_convert_coordsys
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] problem with ft_volumerealign and ft_convert_coordsys
s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
- [FieldTrip] problem with ft_volumerealign and ft_convert_coordsys
s.rombetto at cib.na.cnr.it
- [FieldTrip] problem with ICA
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] problem with ICA
Aaron Schurger
- [FieldTrip] problem with ICA
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] problem with ICA
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] Problem with ICA using data exported via Brainvision analyser
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] Problem with ICA using data exported via Brainvision analyser
Max Cantor
- [FieldTrip] Problem with ICA using data exported via Brainvision analyser
Hwee Ling Lee
- [FieldTrip] Questions about transfer entropy
woun zoo
- [FieldTrip] Sample script for spike+LFP analysis?
Jay Hegdé
- [FieldTrip] Sample script for spike+LFP analysis?
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] Sample script for spike+LFP analysis?
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] Sample script for spike+LFP analysis?
Jay Hegdé
- [FieldTrip] Sample script for spike+LFP analysis?
Stan van Pelt
- [FieldTrip] Sample script for spike+LFP analysis?
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] something wrong with my permutation test for ERP
- [FieldTrip] source-level phase coherence (following beamforming extended tutorial)
Vitoria Piai
- [FieldTrip] source-level phase coherence (following beamforming extended tutorial)
jan-mathijs schoffelen
- [FieldTrip] Source level statistics
Azeez Adebimpe
- [FieldTrip] Source level statistics
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] Spherical coordinates of Brodmann areas (latitude, longitude)
andrea brovelli
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Federico Grande
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Lozano Soldevilla, D. (Diego)
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Federico Grande
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Lozano Soldevilla, D. (Diego)
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Federico Grande
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Niels Trusbak Haumann
- [FieldTrip] SVD and ICA
Peter Goodin
- [FieldTrip] Units in 'vertical' multiplot
Vries, I.E.J. de
- [FieldTrip] Units of ft_dipolefitting
Luke Bloy
- [FieldTrip] Urgent: Error in Source Statistics, Group level
Chaitanya Srinivas
- [FieldTrip] Urgent: Error in Source Statistics, Group level
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] Urgent: Error in Source Statistics, Group level
Chaitanya Srinivas
- [FieldTrip] Urgent: Error in Source Statistics, Group level
Eelke Spaak
- [FieldTrip] Urgent: Error in Source Statistics, Group level
Chaitanya Srinivas
- [FieldTrip] Urgent: Error in Source Statistics, Group level
Azeez Adebimpe
- [FieldTrip] 回复: Re: How to plot ERP waveforms
- [FieldTrip] 回复: Re: How to plot ERP waveforms
"Jörn M. Horschig"
- [FieldTrip] 回复: Re: 回复: Re: How to plot ERP waveforms
- [FieldTrip] 回复: Re: 回复: Re: How to plot ERP waveforms
"Jörn M. Horschig"
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 20:05:09 CET 2014
Archived on: Wed Aug 7 14:13:09 CEST 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).