August 2019 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Aug 1 15:56:15 CEST 2019
Ending: Fri Aug 30 16:50:27 CEST 2019
Messages: 45
- [FieldTrip] Analyze *.oxy4 files
Caroline de Booij
- [FieldTrip] Analyze *.oxy4 files
Cockx, H.M. (Helena)
- [FieldTrip] Analyze *.oxy4 files
Jörn M. Horschig
- [FieldTrip] Analyze *.oxy4 files
Caroline de Booij
- [FieldTrip] Analyze *.oxy4 files
Caroline de Booij
- [FieldTrip] BIDS derivatives poll
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] bug of reading raw data
zlsunshine369 at
- [FieldTrip] bug of reading raw data
Mengqi Xing
- [FieldTrip] Cluster based permutation plot
Luca Moretti
- [FieldTrip] Cluster based permutation plot
Stephen Whitmarsh
- [FieldTrip] EEG from Source
Eric F S
- [FieldTrip] EEG from Source
Stephen Whitmarsh
- [FieldTrip] EEG from Source
Eric F S
- [FieldTrip] EEG Inverse Solution assumption: Expected Dipole Orientation
Lukas Hecker
- [FieldTrip] Error 'One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "read_24bit'
Emilie Caspar
- [FieldTrip] Error 'One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "read_24bit'
Xavier Vrijdag
- [FieldTrip] Error 'One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "read_24bit'
Emilie Caspar
- [FieldTrip] Extracting spectral power for intervals within a trial
Johnson, John T.
- [FieldTrip] Extracting spectral power for intervals within a trial
Es, M.W.J. van (Mats)
- [FieldTrip] Extracting spectral power for intervals within a trial
Johnson, John T.
- [FieldTrip] Fourier coefficients across tapers
- [FieldTrip] ft_freqanalysis after zero-padding
Carolina Ogawa
- [FieldTrip] Open Post-doctoral Position in Human Perceptual Neuroscience at NYU
Persinger, Christine
- [FieldTrip] PhD position: Machine learning to record and enhance sleep and lucid dreaming
Martin Dresler
- [FieldTrip] PhD positions at Ernst Struengmann Institute
Martin Vinck
- [FieldTrip] PhD student position in Muenster, Germany
Joachim Gross
- [FieldTrip] plotting issue- linestyle
Jac Billington
- [FieldTrip] plotting issue- linestyle
Stephen Whitmarsh
- [FieldTrip] plotting issue- linestyle
Jac Billington
- [FieldTrip] Post-doctoral Fellowship in Human Perceptual Neuroscience at New York University
Baumgarten, Thomas
- [FieldTrip] postdoc @UCLA (EEG-fMRI)
Agatha Lenartowicz
- [FieldTrip] Postdoctoral position at the BCBL (Ram Frost / Craig Richter)
Craig Richter
- [FieldTrip] Problem running tutorial
Dillon, Daniel G.
- [FieldTrip] Problem running tutorial
Stephen Whitmarsh
- [FieldTrip] Problem running tutorial
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Problem running tutorial
Dillon, Daniel G.
- [FieldTrip] Problems using ft_qualitycheck
Hannah Terborg
- [FieldTrip] Project Manager opening @ the Max Planck Institute (Frankfurt, Germany)
Lucia Melloni
- [FieldTrip] Questions regarding cluster-based permutation tests on TFRs
Gabriel Obregon-Henao
- [FieldTrip] Questions regarding cluster-based permutation tests on TFRs
Gabriel Obregon-Henao
- [FieldTrip] SASICA now compatible with FieldTrip
Maximilien Chaumon
- [FieldTrip] Use of Granger Causality
daniel.strahnen at
- [FieldTrip] Using ft_statfun_actvsblt for time domain data
David Prete
- [FieldTrip] Working with xdf files
Varghese Peter
- [FieldTrip] Working with xdf files
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
Last message date:
Fri Aug 30 16:50:27 CEST 2019
Archived on: Fri Aug 30 16:59:12 CEST 2019
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