[FieldTrip] Fourier coefficients across tapers

Jose joseluisblues at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 00:49:31 CEST 2019

dear fieldtrippers,

I'm trying to compare distinct phase-based methods to compute connectivity
for an EEG dataset,

I'm using FT to get the analytic signal of my time series, and from there I
compute coherence, inter-site phase clustering, and other phase lag-based
measures in Matlab. I'm running these analyses for frequencies in the gamma
range so I used multitaper to compute the Fourier coefficients. It seems is
not possible to average the Fourier coefficients across tapers. It would be
wrong to average across the tappers the Fourier coefficients? Otherwise, it
would be ok to average across the tapers the values that result from
computing, for instance, coherence ? It that sensitive?

Just to check, are the Fourier coefficients in the "rpttap" columns stacked
by taper?
I mean, do the first 15 columns correspond to the Fourier coefficients that
result from applying the 15 tapers to the first trial?

I would really appreciate some directions here,

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