[FieldTrip] plotting issue- linestyle

Jac Billington J.Billington at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Aug 21 13:56:27 CEST 2019

Dear users,

Apologies if I'm misusing the cfg parameters but I'm running into issues with plotting and can't find any examples/ thinking this may be a bug.

I'm using both single and multiplot with the code below. My linestyle is always the 6th style with no error.  From going through the multiplot code the line:

 ft_plot_vector(xval, yval, 'width', chanWidth(m), 'height', chanHeight(m), 'hpos', chanX(m), 'vpos', chanY(m), 'hlim', [xmin xmax], 'vlim', [ymin ymax], 'color', graphcolor, 'style', cfg.linestyle{i}, 'linewidth', cfg.linewidth, 'axis', cfg.axes, 'highlight', mask, 'highlightstyle', cfg.maskstyle);

... is only called when i=6, i.e. the last data set. So the output makes sense, but I'm wondering how to change the lines of my plot to be two distinct styles. I cannot seem to adapt these .Children properties in matlab at a later point either.

Many thanks in advance.

Best, Jac

        cfg.layout = 'biosemi64.lay';
        cfg.center = 'no'
        layout = ft_prepare_layout(cfg);
        cfg = [];
        cfg.parameter     = 'avg';
        cfg.channel       = 'all';
        cfg.baseline      = 'no' ;
        cfg.trials        = 'all' ;
        cfg.axes          = 'yes';
        cfg.box           = 'no';
        cfg.showlabels    = 'no' ;
        cfg.showoutline   = 'no';
        cfg.showscale     = 'yes';
        cfg.showcomment   = 'yes' ;
        cfg.interactive   = 'yes' ;
        cfg.graphcolor = 'rgbrgb';
        cfg.layout = layout;
        ft_multiplotER(cfg, erp1{3}, erp1{4}, erp2{3}, erp2{4},erp3{3}, erp3{4})

Dr Jac Billington
Associate Professor in Perceptual Neuroscience
School of Psychology, Rm G.06A
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Tel: +44(0)113 343 6686

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