October 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Oct 1 18:34:52 CEST 2016
Ending: Mon Oct 31 20:15:15 CET 2016
Messages: 139
- [FieldTrip] fieldtrip structure
Bahareh Elahian (belahian)
- [FieldTrip] fieldtrip structure
Bahareh Elahian (belahian)
- [FieldTrip] Plotting confidence intervals in multiplotER
Arti Abhishek
- [FieldTrip] magnetic dipoles
Borna, Amir
- [FieldTrip] filtering during artifact detection
Maximilien Chaumon
- [FieldTrip] filtering during artifact detection
Maximilien Chaumon
- [FieldTrip] Fwd: [Women in M/EEG]: please fwd to reach female scientist in the field
Sarang S. Dalal
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
A. Donda
- [FieldTrip] Sample discrepancy, and 50Hz line noise filtering
Florian Gerard-Mercier
- [FieldTrip] Sample discrepancy, and 50Hz line noise filtering
Florian Gerard-Mercier
- [FieldTrip] Sample discrepancy, and 50Hz line noise filtering
Florian Gerard-Mercier
- [FieldTrip] filtering during artifact detection
Florian Gerard-Mercier
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Matt Gerhold
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Matt Gerhold
- [FieldTrip] between-subject cluster-stats wont average over specified frequency
Peter Goodin
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
David Groppe
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
David Groppe
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
David Groppe
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
David Groppe
- [FieldTrip] Postdoctoral Position at UCSF in California, USA on cognitive neuroscience of language processing
Roeland Hancock
- [FieldTrip] ft_appenddata() and trials
anne Hauswald
- [FieldTrip] shifting data time
anne Hauswald
- [FieldTrip] Cluster Based Permutation Stats on Source Spaced Frequency Data
Martin Holding
- [FieldTrip] Regarding headmodel construction
Simon Homolle
- [FieldTrip] Dimension of lead-field Matrix
Simon Homolle
- [FieldTrip] Regarding headmodel construction
Simon Homolle
- [FieldTrip] Dimension of lead-field Matrix
Simon Homolle
- [FieldTrip] Postdoc Position at the Dynamic Memory Lab at UC Davis
Frank Hsieh
- [FieldTrip] Post-doctoral position in Cognitive Neuroscience, Charite Berlin
Julian Keil
- [FieldTrip] PhD-Position in Multisensory Integration (Charité Berlin)
Julian Keil
- [FieldTrip] between-subject cluster-stats wont average over specified frequency
Julian Keil
- [FieldTrip] Online Webinar in Brain Networks (hands-on)
Manousos Klados
- [FieldTrip] Online Webinar in Brain Networks (hands-on)
Manousos Klados
- [FieldTrip] Data browser trouble
Per Knutsen
- [FieldTrip] Data browser trouble
Per Knutsen
- [FieldTrip] Definition of "mid-sagittal point"
Per Knutsen
- [FieldTrip] Sample discrepancy, and 50Hz line noise filtering
Per Knutsen
- [FieldTrip] Postdoc/PhD positions - Cognitive Neuroscience @ the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Ayelet Landau
- [FieldTrip] (no subject)
Nakyung Lee
- [FieldTrip] Discrepancies after filtering
Nakyung Lee
- [FieldTrip] Official Fieldtrip Courses/Meetings in Europe this year?
Diego Lozano-Soldevilla
- [FieldTrip] filtering during artifact detection
Diego Lozano-Soldevilla
- [FieldTrip] filtering during artifact detection
Diego Lozano-Soldevilla
- [FieldTrip] fieldtrip Digest, Vol 70, Issue 25
Maris, E.G.G. (Eric)
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Maris, E.G.G. (Eric)
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Maris, E.G.G. (Eric)
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Maris, E.G.G. (Eric)
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Maris, E.G.G. (Eric)
- [FieldTrip] Online Webinar in Brain Networks (hands-on)
Federica Mauro
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Elisabeth May
- [FieldTrip] neuralynx problem with repeated timestamps
Sebastian Michelmann
- [FieldTrip] MNE single trial time courses
Müller, K. (Katja)
- [FieldTrip] Fwd: Job posting: PhD position at MPI-CBS Germany
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] Fwd: Job posting: PhD position at MPI-CBS Germany
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] Special research topic: From raw MEG/EEG to publication
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] magnetic dipoles
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] gender bias in the M/EEG research community
Robert Oostenveld
- [FieldTrip] between-subject cluster-stats wont average over specified frequency
George McKenzie Opie
- [FieldTrip] between-subject cluster-stats wont average over specified frequency
George McKenzie Opie
- [FieldTrip] CTF MEG issue
Pelt, S. van (Stan)
- [FieldTrip] Separating MEG/EEG data
Tzvetan Popov
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
Darren Price
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Darren Price
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Darren Price
- [FieldTrip] EMG detect
Holly Rossiter
- [FieldTrip] EMG detect
Holly Rossiter
- [FieldTrip] Post-doctoral position at MPI for Human Development, Berlin
Sander, Myriam
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] error with ft_appenddata
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Outputting average power with ft_freqanalysis
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Help importing and reading data
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] EMG detect
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Orientation of headmodel with respect to sensors poisition
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] ft_appenddata() and trials
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Regarding headmodel construction
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Regarding headmodel construction
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Standard mri dimension and fiducial point
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Standard mri dimension and fiducial point
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Fiducial points of standard mri
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Orientation of headmodel with respect to sensors poisition
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] function ft_convert_coordsys
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Orientation of headmodel with respect to sensors poisition (Susmita Sen)
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Orientation of headmodel with respect to sensors poisition
Susmita Sen
- [FieldTrip] Outputting average power with ft_freqanalysis
Shephard, Elizabeth
- [FieldTrip] Outputting average power with ft_freqanalysis
Shephard, Elizabeth
- [FieldTrip] ft_timelockanalysis outputs average data with different trial lengths
Singh, Tarkeshwar
- [FieldTrip] error in ft_artifact_ecg
Narjes Soltani
- [FieldTrip] PhD position in psychiatric neuroimaging (Oldenburg, Germany)
Peter Soros
- [FieldTrip] Orientation of headmodel with respect to sensors poisition (Susmita Sen)
Paul Sowman
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Ta Dinh, Son
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Ta Dinh, Son
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Ta Dinh, Son
- [FieldTrip] Statistical test of robustness of a graph measure based on reduced amount of nodes
Ta Dinh, Son
- [FieldTrip] ft_freqstatistics in a 2 way ANOVA - design and implementation
Justin Tanner
- [FieldTrip] REPOST: Beamforming, "Inf" during source estimation by subject
Tate, Lindsey R.
- [FieldTrip] Tate, Lindsey R. wants to share the file dataFIC4.mat with you
Tate, Lindsey R.
Elinor Tzvi
- [FieldTrip] Neighbors for Elekta Neuromag 306 gradiometers separately?
Lin Wang
- [FieldTrip] ICA components for gradiometer sensors
Lin Wang
- [FieldTrip] Help importing and reading data
Whillier, Alexander
- [FieldTrip] Separating MEG/EEG data
Stephen Whitmarsh
- [FieldTrip] Separating MEG/EEG data
Stephen Whitmarsh
- [FieldTrip] Postdoctoral opportunity: Human electrophysiology, Harvard/Mass General
Alik Widge
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Alik Widge
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Alik Widge
- [FieldTrip] Question about cluster-based permutation tests on linear mixed models
Alik Widge
- [FieldTrip] fiff_read_tag error
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] error with ft_appenddata
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] error with ft_appenddata
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] Separating MEG/EEG data
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] Separating MEG/EEG data
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] how to save continuous data
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] how to save continuous data
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] ft_appenddata() and trials
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] ft_appenddata() and trials
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] ft_appenddata() and trials
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] ft_appenddata() and trials
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] shifting data time
Wong-Barnum, Mona
- [FieldTrip] Performing group analysis with whole brain connectivity
Zink, Nicolas
- [FieldTrip] Dimension of lead-field Matrix
pooneh baniasad
- [FieldTrip] Dimension of lead-field Matrix
pooneh baniasad
- [FieldTrip] Dimension of lead-field Matrix
pooneh baniasad
- [FieldTrip] inverse problem for HCP
mehdy dousty
- [FieldTrip] eLORETA
mehdy dousty
- [FieldTrip] eLORETA
mehdy dousty
- [FieldTrip] Covaraince matrix for MEG resting state
mehdy dousty
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] Fwd: plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] Official Fieldtrip Courses/Meetings in Europe this year?
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] plotting freesurfer mesh on the mri_aligned.
parham hashemzadeh
- [FieldTrip] Failure of LCMV beamformer for Neuromag VectorView planar gradiometers
russ port
- [FieldTrip] Failure of LCMV beamformer for Neuromag VectorView planar gradiometers
russ port
- [FieldTrip] Plotting confidence intervals in multiplotER
kousik sarathy
- [FieldTrip] EEG source localization
siddharth talwar
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 20:15:15 CET 2016
Archived on: Wed Aug 7 14:13:18 CEST 2019
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