May 2024 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed May 1 17:01:18 CEST 2024
Ending: Wed May 29 23:13:59 CEST 2024
Messages: 56
- [FieldTrip] 3 open PhD position on Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Heiko Stecher
- [FieldTrip] [EXT] Re: Units for dipole moment retrieved through ft_dipolefitting
Nunez Ponasso, Guillermo
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] access to GDF file
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Assistance with Saving Individual Plots from ft_sourceplot Using cfg.method = 'ortho'
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] Assistance with Saving Individual Plots from ft_sourceplot Using cfg.method = 'ortho'
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Assistance with Saving Individual Plots from ft_sourceplot Using cfg.method = 'ortho'
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] Call to predict the replicability of influential EEG studies
Dominik Welke
- [FieldTrip] Converting data from BBCI toolbox to Fieldtrip
Ruvindu Kaluarachchi
- [FieldTrip] Dipole fitting
Sara Cinelli
- [FieldTrip] Dipole fitting
Oostendorp, T.F. (Thom)
- [FieldTrip] Dipole fitting
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Dipole fitting
Oostendorp, T.F. (Thom)
- [FieldTrip] EEG postdoc position at King's College London IoPPN
Luke Mason
- [FieldTrip] ft_preprocessing for mat file
Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri
- [FieldTrip] ft_preprocessing for mat file
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Help with inverse model
Sara Cinelli
- [FieldTrip] Help with inverse model
Oostendorp, T.F. (Thom)
- [FieldTrip] Help with inverse model
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Help with inverse model
Oostendorp, T.F. (Thom)
- [FieldTrip] Information about MANOVA function
Davide Simeone
- [FieldTrip] MEG connectivity analysis - artifacts in the connectivity matrix
Kinga Korek
- [FieldTrip] MEG connectivity analysis - artifacts in the connectivity matrix
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] New FieldTrip Cheatsheet available
Jim McKay
- [FieldTrip] On meaning of numbers in posclusterslabelmat / negclusterslablemat in results of ft_freqstatistics function
- [FieldTrip] On meaning of numbers in posclusterslabelmat / negclusterslablemat in results of ft_freqstatistics function
Julian Keil
- [FieldTrip] PhD Position (4 years) at LMU Munich
Schreiner, Thomas
- [FieldTrip] Pre-whitening/Denoising Elekta/Neuromag Resting State Data
- [FieldTrip] Pre-whitening/Denoising Elekta/Neuromag Resting State Data
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Pre-whitening/Denoising Elekta/Neuromag Resting State Data
- [FieldTrip] remove MRI artifacts from the ECG signal
- [FieldTrip] Replacing artifacts part by nan value
Erfan Vi
- [FieldTrip] Replacing artifacts part by nan value
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Replacing artifacts part by nan value
Erfan Vi
- [FieldTrip] Replacing artifacts part of EEG/MEG signal by nan value
Erfan Vi
- [FieldTrip] Salzburg Mind Brain Annual Meeting - SAMBA 2024
Gianpaolo Demarchi
- [FieldTrip] Threshold free cluster enhancement for a Repeated Measures design
Bhonsle, Aishwarya
- [FieldTrip] Threshold free cluster enhancement for a Repeated Measures design
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Two questions RE: cluster corrections and coherence analyses
Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden
- [FieldTrip] Units for dipole moment retrieved through ft_dipolefitting
Nunez Ponasso, Guillermo
- [FieldTrip] Units for dipole moment retrieved through ft_dipolefitting
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Using ft_volumerealign with narrow FOV
Pin-Chun Chen
- [FieldTrip] Using ft_volumerealign with narrow FOV
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Warped Plots and High Source Variance Values
Alex Williams
- [FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values
Alex Williams
- [FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values
Alex Williams
- [FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values
Alex Williams
- [FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values
Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs)
- [FieldTrip] 回复: On meaning of numbers in posclusterslabelmat / negclusterslablemat in results of ft_freqstatistics function
Last message date:
Wed May 29 23:13:59 CEST 2024
Archived on: Wed May 29 23:14:17 CEST 2024
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