[FieldTrip] Converting data from BBCI toolbox to Fieldtrip

Ruvindu Kaluarachchi ruvindu.kaluarachchi at curtin.edu.au
Mon May 27 12:30:54 CEST 2024

Dear FieldTrip Community,
My name is Ruvindu, and I am working on converting a simultaneous EEG and NIRS dataset into FieldTrip format. It is currently in the BBCI format as I wish to use a TRENTOOL for analysis as well as I wish to analyse NIRS data in the future I am exploring this option and convert it to FT format.
The dataset is of the following structure,
EEG Data:

  *   cnt: 1x6 cells, continuous EEG data
     *   cnt{1,1}, cnt{1,3}, cnt{1,5}: Motor imagery data
     *   cnt{1,2}, cnt{1,4}, cnt{1,6}: Mental arithmetic data
  *   mrk: 1x6 cells, task onset markers
     *   mrk{1,1}, mrk{1,3}, mrk{1,5}: Motor imagery markers (16 = left hand imagery, 32 = right hand imagery)
     *   mrk{1,2}, mrk{1,4}, mrk{1,6}: Mental arithmetic markers (16 = mental arithmetic, 32 = baseline)
  *   mnt: Montage for cnt

Standard BBCI data structure format can be found here<https://github.com/bbci/bbci_public/blob/master/doc/ToolboxData.markdown>. My attempt can be found here<https://pastebin.com/Xd5Q3rMy>, which does not work.
I would greatly appreciate any guidance, examples, or scripts that could assist with this conversion.
Thank you for your support!
Best regards,
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