[FieldTrip] access to GDF file

Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri sinam1 at umbc.edu
Thu May 2 17:16:30 CEST 2024

To whom it may concern,

I want to implement, "A novel explainable machine learning approach for
EEG-based brain computer interface systems" published in Springer Nature,
in fieldtrip. Regarding that they used (
http://bnci-horizon-2020.eu/database/data-sets (Accession Number 001-2017))
as dataset in GDF file, I want to preprocess and use ft_definetrial, but it
is not accessed to the event code. In this regard I use EEGLAB to load the
dataset with biosig, after that when I convert to fieldtrip
(eeglab2fieldtrip or save it and use ft_read_event,..) I face this
problem as follows. Could you please help me how can I preprocess this
dataset for beamforming source localization for specific event code.

Error using isfolder
Input path must be text.

Error in ft_filetype (line 166)
if isfolder(filename)

Error in dataset2files (line 42)
  format = ft_filetype(filename);

Error in ft_checkconfig (line 675)
    [cfg.dataset, cfg.headerfile, cfg.datafile] =
dataset2files(cfg.dataset, []);

Error in ft_preprocessing (line 385)
  cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'dataset2files', 'yes');
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