[FieldTrip] Help with inverse model

Sara Cinelli sara.cinelli at studenti.unipd.it
Wed May 1 17:01:18 CEST 2024

I'm writing you because I would like to better understand the the function
for the inverse modeling (ft_dipolefitting). Here are some questions I have:
1. how much is big the grid search that the function can do at the start
before the non linear search? For example, if  I specified the location of
the source using the cfg.sourcemodel, how big will be the area in which it
will do the grid search?
aldo, the algorithm which is used here is just the minimization of the L2
2. the method for the non linear search is the gradient descent method, is
it correct?
3. I see the possibility to choose between a 'moving' model and a
'regional' one. Is it possible to keep fixed both locations and amplitude,
so the algorithm changes only the strength of the dipole?
Thank you.

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