[FieldTrip] Warped Source plots and High Source Power Values

Alex Williams alexanderwil2024 at my.fit.edu
Mon May 20 19:29:13 CEST 2024

Hi again Dr. Schoffelen,

 Thanks again for responding and I apologize if there was a
misunderstanding on my part.  The dipole positions (according to
sourcemodel.pos) are around 3.43 milliion dipoles. The dipole positions on
the inside of the compartment (according to sourcemodel.inside) are the
exact same number as the total dipole positions at 3.43 million dipoles.
This is for the source model created from ft_prepare_sourcemodel, where the
source model uses 'mm' as a unit without any conversion or user-based
parameterization. And according to the ft_prepare_sourcemodel base code, it
looks as though the units for the grad object unit is used primarily by
FieldTrip to determine the source model unit. And the grad model is in
'mm'. I also looked at the inside and outside source dipoles that were
returned within both the initial and tight grids of the source model:

creating 3D grid with 1 mm resolution
initial 3D grid dimensions are [225 265 182]
1736359 dipoles inside, 9115391 dipoles outside brain
making tight grid
1736359 dipoles inside, 1697357 dipoles outside brain

Since the unit seems to be in 'mm' for the primary object used for the
source model units and the number of dipoles inside and outside seem
sensible, I was unsure if I should still run the model with a change cfg.
resolution parameter. It seems as though the number of dipoles inside are a
little bit more than half of the outer dipole sources for the tight grid
and I wasn't sure if that would be expected of the source model.


On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 9:03 AM Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) via
fieldtrip <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl> wrote:

> OK, perhaps I was not clear enough in my earlier reply: if somehow in the
> underlying computations (i.e. in the creation of the sourcemodel) FieldTrip
> ends up with using ‘m’ as unit, then the sourcemodel will only have a
> single grid point. You should inspect the sourcemodel (after creating it
> with ft_prepare_sourcemodel), and only proceed if it contains a decent
> number of dipole positions (sourcemodel.pos), a large portion of which is
> in the ‘inside’ compartment (sourcemodel.inside). If this is not the case,
> you may want to change cfg.resolution into 0.01, rather than 1.
> Good luck,
> Jan-Mathijs
> On 17 May 2024, at 17:08, Alex Williams via fieldtrip <
> fieldtrip at science.ru.nl> wrote:
> Hi Dr. Schofflen,
>   Thanks so much for the response! I checked the metric units of the
> source model, head model and the grad parameter. All of them are in 'mm'.
> However, I ended up checking how SPM processed the meeg data and returned
> its D structure. It seems as though the grad parameter within the datareg
> subfield is in 'mm' but within the forward subfield of the SPM-processed
> structure, the grad parameter is in 'm'. The same goes for the vol
> parameter in the forward subfield (in 'm').
> -Alex
> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 4:02 AM Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) via
> fieldtrip <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl> wrote:
>>  Hi Alex,
>> The first thing I would check, is whether the metric units of the
>> sourcemodel/grad are as implicitly expected by you. The cfg.resolution
>> argument before calling ft_prepare_sourcemodel is interpreted by
>> ‘FieldTrip’ in the metric units that the primary geometric object is
>> expressed in. I don’t know by heart which one of the geometric objects (in
>> this case headmodel and grad) is primary in determing this (you need to
>> read the code for that), but things might become strange if it actually is
>> the grad, and if the grad is expressed in ‘m’. Because this would result in
>> a 3D-grid with a 1 meter spacing between dipoles.
>> Best wishes,
>> Jan-Mathijs
>> On 14 May 2024, at 17:15, Alex Williams via fieldtrip <
>> fieldtrip at science.ru.nl> wrote:
>> Hello there FieldTrip Community,
>>   I'm Alex Williams, a neuroengineering graduate student at Florida
>> Institute of Technology. I'm relatively new to source reconstruction
>> methods and was wondering if there may be any pointers or advice that may
>> help guide me through the tutorials and documentation. I've been trying to
>> resolve an issue with the beamformer for some time. Currently, I'm using an
>> LCMV beamformer to source fit participant MEG data and compare those
>> results to source results that were obtained in SPM12.  Though I'm trying
>> to create a pipeline for analyzing this data set, the results I've obtained
>> seem to have discrepancies in source variance and virtual channel signal
>> alongside having warped sourceplots when plotting source variance.  The
>> meeg data, D, I'm using has been converted from SPM to fieldtrip using the
>> function. spm2fieldtrip(). The converted data itself has been defined, and
>> has undergone pre-processing and time-locking in SPM.
>> Steps I used:
>> 1. The converted meeg data, D, I'm using has been converted from SPM to
>> fieldtrip using the function. spm2fieldtrip(). The converted data itself
>> has been defined, and has undergone pre-processing and epoching in SPM.
>> Since I wasn't able to find the covariance matrix within the D structure I
>> was using, I applied a time-lock analysis to the D structure I had and used
>> only the covariance matrix from those results as the cfg.cov parameter
>> within the D matrix pre-time lock.
>> 2. ft_read_mri() used a .nifti MRI file and an empty configuration.
>> Fiducials were taken and used in the configuration to realign the MRI using
>> ft_volumerealign() with cfg.coordsys='neuromag'. After, segmentation was
>> done using ft_volumesegment(), again with an empty configuration.
>> 3. Headmodel computed using following parameters:
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.method = 'singleshell';
>> cfg.siunits = 'yes';
>> cfg.feedback = 'yes';
>> headmodel = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, seg);
>> headmodel = ft_convert_units(headmodel, 'mm');
>> 3. Gradiometer array was defined with ft_read_sens using the path of the
>> meeg file. These were the parameters of the source model.
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.grad = grad;
>> cfg.headmodel = headmodel;
>> cfg.resolution = 1;
>> cfg.inwardshift = 0;
>> sourcemodel = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg);
>> Plotting leads to this segmented mri figure (segmented mri) and
>> headmodel-sensor model (headmodel, sourcemodel mesh and sensor array)
>> <image.png>
>> <Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 10.08.53 PM.png>
>> 4. After the forward model was run with prepare_leadmatrix () with
>> following parameters:
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.grad = grad;
>> cfg.headmodel = headmodel;
>> cfg.sourcemodel = sourcemodel;
>> cfg.channel = {'MEG'};
>> cfg.singleshell.batchsize = 2000;
>> lf = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg,D);
>> 5. And then the source model was run using an LCMV beamformer:
>> if isfield(D,'cov')
>> [~, sr, ~]=svd(D.cov);
>> clif=-diff(log10(diag(sr)));
>> kappa=find(clif==max(clif));
>> end
>> cfg = [];
>> cfg.method = 'lcmv';
>> cfg.headmodel = headmodel; % volume conduction model (headmodel)
>> cfg.sourcemodel = lf; % leadfield
>> cfg.lcmv.keepfilter = 'yes';
>> cfg.grad=D.grad;
>> cfg.keepleadfield = 'yes';
>> cfg.lcmv.fixedori = 'yes'; % project on axis of most variance using SVD
>> cfg.lcmv.kappa.      =kappa;
>> Which returns a source structure that seems to produce warped source
>> variance plots and blown-up source variance values after iusing source
>> interpolation using:                 ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, source,
>> segmentedmri):
>> <Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 10.37.15 PM.png>
>> <Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 10.49.16 PM.png>
>> I'm currently trying different parameters within the beamformer including
>> using different weight normalization parameters to compensate for possible
>> depth bias alongside using different lambda values. However, based on the
>> final source plots, I wasn't too sure if there may have also been an issue
>> with the coregistration of the mri or perhaps with the final source model.
>> -Alex Williams
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