[FieldTrip] Two questions RE: cluster corrections and coherence analyses

Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden christinavb at gmail.com
Fri May 17 20:59:57 CEST 2024

Dear Jan-Mathijs & Co,

My first question is a simple one (I think!) I am trying to follow the
cluster permutation timelock tutorial and when I get to the portion that
uses: ft_timelockanalysis I always get the following error message:
Unrecognized field name "labelorg" -- when I look this up it seems to be an
SPM issue, but I am using SPM12, have set it as my defaults and even
removed paths for other versions of SPM but it doesn't work. I have also
tried updating fieldtrip to see if that can solve the issue but it also has
not. I am sure this is a simple fix, can you point me in the right

Second, I am trying to do cluster corrections on coherence data by tricking
ft_timelockstatistics into thinking that my chan x freq speech-brain
coherence data is actually chan x time (I don't want to do the
ft_freqstatistics chan x freq x time because I do not care about the time
dimension for these data). I have successfully run the analysis, but now I
am having a heck of a time visualizing the positive clusters using the
timelock analysis tutorial because my data doesn't have that structure --
is it possible to do the ft_freqstatistics for just chan x freq and I don't
need to go through all the steps of using the ft_timelockstatistics to do
this? Or is there an easy way to use ft_clusterplot with the data I get
from ft_timelockstatistics?

Thanks so much for your support!


Christina M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Toronto Mississauga
christinavb at gmail.com
Website: utmlamalab.com
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