[FieldTrip] Assistance with Saving Individual Plots from ft_sourceplot Using cfg.method = 'ortho'

Sina Makhdoomi Kaviri sinam1 at umbc.edu
Mon May 20 00:58:28 CEST 2024

To whom it may concern,

I hope all is well. I am reaching out to seek your assistance with an issue
I am encountering while visualizing source plots using the FieldTrip
toolbox, specifically with the ft_sourceplot function. My goal is to save
individual plots when using cfg.method = 'ortho'. However, I am facing a
challenge when I attempt to use cfg.method = 'surface', which results in an
error indicating that the coordinate systems do not match.

Given this, my primary objective is to save the individual dimensions of
the source plot generated with cfg.method = 'ortho'. I am looking for an
efficient way to save these orthogonal views as separate image files.

Additionally, if anyone has insights or solutions to address the coordinate
system mismatch error encountered with cfg.method = 'surface', that would
be extremely helpful.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or recommendations you could
provide on this matter. Thank you very much for your time and assistance.

Best regards,
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