[FieldTrip] Dipole fitting

Sara Cinelli sara.cinelli at studenti.unipd.it
Wed May 8 12:36:04 CEST 2024

I'm Sara and I have a question regarding an answer I obtained from one of
you (Thom) regarding the possibility to keep fixed/or not the location and
the orientation of the dipole in the inverse modeling.
The answer was the following:

Actually, the choice is between:
- a moving dipole, i.e. at each sample time a new location is fitted
- stationary dipole location and  free orientation, i.e. the best single
position is fitted, but dipole orientation is free at each sample time
- stationary dipole location and stationary orientation, i.e. both location
and orientation are fixed in time.

Looking in the details of the dipolefitting.m it is not clear to me how to
implement the third option (for the first I know it has to be used the
option cfg.model='moving', for the second cfg.model='regional').
Could you help me?

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