2013 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Jan 4 07:49:20 MET 2013
Ending: Mon Dec 23 23:39:47 MET 2013
Messages: 143
- [clean-list] "Error in backend: File backend.c, Line 654" using custom instance of Array
David C. Norris
- [clean-list] "Error in backend: File backend.c, Line 654" using custom instance of Array
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] ------ GandALF 2013 ----- FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (EXTENDED DEADLINE)-----
Pietro Sala
- [clean-list] ------ GandALF 2013 ----- FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS -----
Pietro Sala
- [clean-list] 1st CFP SBLP 2013 (17th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages)
Andre Du Bois
- [clean-list] 1st CFP: Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics @ ICLP2013, Istanbul, Turkey
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] 2nd Call for Workshop Proposals ICLP 2013: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, Turkey, August 24-29
Hans Tompits
- [clean-list] 2nd CFP: CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits - Budapest, 23-27 June 2014
S B Cooper
- [clean-list] 2nd CfP: Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2014)
Peter Höfner
- [clean-list] 2nd CFP: SBLP 2013 (17th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages)
Andre Du Bois
- [clean-list] 2nd CFP: Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics @ ICLP2013, Istanbul, Turkey
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] [First Call For Papers] TFP 2014
Peter Achten
- [clean-list] [TFP2013] Call for papers
Marko van Eekelen
- [clean-list] [TFP2013] CFP Deadline Extension
Marko van Eekelen
- [clean-list] A Ph.D. Student’s CRY for Help
saidi34 at hushmail.com
- [clean-list] Ackermann Award 2013 - Call for Nominations
Anuj Dawar
- [clean-list] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities and Activities Report (25th ed., November 2013)
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] Book announcement: ALAN TURING - His Work and Impact
S B Cooper
- [clean-list] boyer moore and knuth morris pratt algorithm
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
- [clean-list] boyer moore and knuth morris pratt algorithm
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] Call for Applications: ICLP 2013 Doctoral Student Consortium [Deadline May 12], Istanbul, Turkey, August 24
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] Call for Applications: ICLP 2013 Doctoral Student Consortium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 24
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] Call for Applications: ICLP Doctoral Student Consortium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 24
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] Call for Contributions - Haskell Communities and Activities Report, November 2013 edition
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] CALL FOR PAPERS (Deadline: Aug. 10): ICEEE2013 - IEEE - POLAND
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] Call for papers - VEE'14: 10th ACM Conference on Virtual Execution Environments
Erez Petrank
- [clean-list] Call for Papers and Participation
The International Conference on Digital Information Processing, E-Business and Cloud Computing (DIPECC2013)
- [clean-list] Call for Papers IFL 2013
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] Call for Papers IFL 2013
publicityifl at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Call for Papers IFL 2013
publicityifl at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Call for Papers IFL 2013
publicityifl at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Call for Papers PEPM 2014
publicityifl at gmail.com
- [clean-list] CALL FOR PAPERS:: EBW 2014:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web (EBW2014)
- [clean-list] CALL FOR PAPERS:: EBW 2014:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web (EBW2014)
- [clean-list] CALL FOR PAPERS:: ICGCTI 2014:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014)
- [clean-list] Call for Participation ICLP 2013: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, August 24-29
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] Call for participation IFL 2013
publicityifl at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Call for Participation PEPM 2014 (co-located with POPL 2014) === P E P M 2014 ===
planpublicity at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Call for Participation: TFPIE2013 tentative program
p.k.f.holzenspies at utwente.nl
- [clean-list] Call for Workshop Proposals: International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2013)
Hans Tompits
- [clean-list] Call for Workshops - Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA)
Peter Höfner
- [clean-list] CFP :: ICEEE2013 :: IEEE :: Poland
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] CFP ICLP 2013: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, Turkey, August 24-28
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] CFP SBLP 2013: Deadline extension
Andre Du Bois
- [clean-list] CfP Trends in Functional Programming In Education 2013 (TFPIE 2013)
p.k.f.holzenspies at utwente.nl
- [clean-list] CfP: 15th Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP)
Werner Michael Dietl
- [clean-list] CfP: 15th Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP)
Werner Dietl
- [clean-list] CFP: 2nd ICEEE2013 in Poland
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] CFP: ICEEE2013 - IEEE Poland Section
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] CFP: MICAI 2013 - Artificial Intelligence - Springer LNAI + IEEE + journals - Mexico City: last reminder
Alexander Gelbukh (CFP)
- [clean-list] CFP: Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2014)
Peter Höfner
- [clean-list] CFP: TAEECE2013 Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE
The International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2013)
- [clean-list] CFP:: 2nd ICGCTI2014:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014)
- [clean-list] CFP:: CyberSec2013- Kuala Lumpur:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and Digital Forensic (CyberSec2013)
- [clean-list] CFP:: DINWC2014- Ostrava- Czech Republic
The International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and Wireless Communications (DINWC2014)
- [clean-list] CFP:: DINWC:: Czech Republic
The International Conference on Digital Information, Networking, and Wireless Communications (DINWC2014)
- [clean-list] CFP:: EEECEGC- Dubai- U.A.E
The International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Clean Energy and Green Computing (EEECEGC2013)
- [clean-list] CFP:: ICeND 2014- Lebanon
The Third International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND2014)
- [clean-list] CFP:: ICGCTI 2014- Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014)
- [clean-list] CFP::EBW 2014- Part of WCIT2014:: Malaysia
SDIWC Conferences
- [clean-list] CFP::ICGCTI 2014- Part of WCIT2014:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014)
- [clean-list] CFP::ICGCTI 2014- Part of WCIT2014:: Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014)
- [clean-list] CFP: FC '2013 The 3rd International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory, Technologies and Applications
- [clean-list] CFP: FC '2013 The 3rd International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory, Technologies and Applications
- [clean-list] CIE 2014: Language, Life, Limits. June 23-27, 2014, Budapest. Preliminary Announcement.
S B Cooper
- [clean-list] CSL 2013 first call-for-papers
Ronchi Della Rocca Simona
- [clean-list] CSL'13 call for participation
Ronchi Della Rocca Simona
- [clean-list] CSL'13, last cfp, DATES POSTPONED!!
Simona Ronchi della Rocca
- [clean-list] DICE 2013 - call-for partcipation
Simona Ronchi della Rocca
- [clean-list] DICTAP2013-CFP Czech Republic
The Third International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
- [clean-list] DICTAP2013-CFP Czech Republic
The Third International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
- [clean-list] DICTAP2013-CFP Czech Republic
The Third International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
- [clean-list] DICTAP2013-CFP Czech Republic
The Third International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
- [clean-list] Extended Deadline :: ICEEE2013 :: IEEE :: Poland
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] Fake Conferences CSCI and WORLDCOMP of Hamid Arabnia
abbasakbar at hushmail.com
- [clean-list] Final Call for Workshop Proposals
Georg Moser
- [clean-list] Final CFP for PEPM 2014
planpublicity at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Final CFP ICLP 2013: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, August 24-29
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
- [clean-list] FLoC Call for Workshops
Georg Moser
- [clean-list] FLOPS 2014: 2nd Call for Papers
Janis Voigtlaender
- [clean-list] GandALF 2013 - Preliminary Call for Papers
Pietro Sala
- [clean-list] hd (drop 1000000 [1..]) heapFull
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] hd (drop 1000000 [1..]) heapFull
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] hd (drop 1000000 [1..]) heapFull
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] hd (drop 1000000 [1..]) heapFull
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] hd (drop 1000000 [1..]) heapFull
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] hd (drop 1000000 [1..]) heapFull
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] how do I fill this record?
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] how do I fill this record?
Pieter Koopman
- [clean-list] how do I fill this record?
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] how do I fill this record?
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] ICEEE2013 - IEEE Extended Paper Submission (Aug. 25)
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] ICEEE2013 - IEEE Poland Section
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] ICGCTI 2014- Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2014)
- [clean-list] ICIEIS2013-CFP APU-Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science (ICIEIS2013)
- [clean-list] ICIEIS2013-CFP Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Informatics Engineering & Information Science (ICIEIS2013)
- [clean-list] IICAI-13 Call for papers
Venkateswara Rao
- [clean-list] Invitation for participation in ICCTIM2014-Dubai, UAE
The International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCTIM2014)
- [clean-list] Invitation for participation in TAEECE2014-Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2014)
- [clean-list] Joint 25th RTA & 12th TLCA: CALL FOR PAPERS
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] Last CFP: ICEEE2013 - IEEE - Poland
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] LATA 2014: 2nd call for papers
- [clean-list] LATA 2014: 3rd call for papers
- [clean-list] LATA 2014: extended submission deadline 21 October
- [clean-list] Matrix operations
zuurb078 at planet.nl
- [clean-list] Matrix operations
RT Happe
- [clean-list] Matrix operations
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] PhD position in Programming Language Verification
Eelco Visser
- [clean-list] PhD Positions at ETH Zurich
Mueller Peter
- [clean-list] PHD positions in SAT/SMT-based Verification available in Trento
Roberto Sebastiani
- [clean-list] Postdoc positions in SAT/SMT-based Verification available in Trento
Roberto Sebastiani
- [clean-list] Postdoc positions in SAT/SMT-based Verification available in Trento
Roberto Sebastiani
- [clean-list] RDP 2013 Call for Participation
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] Relational & Algebraic Methods (RAMiCS 2014) Deadlines extended!
Peter Höfner
- [clean-list] RES: clean-list Digest, Vol 104, Issue 7
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
- [clean-list] RES: clean-list Digest, Vol 104, Issue 7
John van Groningen
- [clean-list] RES: clean-list Digest, Vol 105, Issue 5
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
- [clean-list] RTA 2013: LAST CALL FOR PAPERS
Sophie Tison
- [clean-list] SBLP 2013: Final CFP, deadline for Abstracts 19/4
Andre Du Bois
- [clean-list] Second call for papers for PEPM 2014
planpublicity at gmail.com
- [clean-list] Second CfP for the International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming In Education (TFPIE)
p.k.f.holzenspies at utwente.nl
- [clean-list] SR 2014 - call for contributions
- [clean-list] SR 2014 - call for contributions
aniello murano
- [clean-list] SR 2014 - Preliminary call for contributions
aniello murano
- [clean-list] SSTiC 2013: 1st announcement
- [clean-list] SSTiC 2013: 2nd registration deadline 26 March
- [clean-list] SSTiC 2013: 3rd registration deadline 26 April
- [clean-list] SSTiC 2013: next registration deadline 26 June
- [clean-list] SSTiC 2013: next registration deadline 26 May
- [clean-list] SSTiC 2014: 1st announcement
- [clean-list] Strathclyde: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Conor McBride
- [clean-list] Submission Extended until Aug. 20 :: IEEE - ICEEE2013 Poland
The Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE)
- [clean-list] TAEECE2014-CFP APU, Malaysia
The Second International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2014)
- [clean-list] TAMC2014 in Chennai, India, April 11-13, 2014
S B Cooper
- [clean-list] Third CfP for the International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming In Education (TFPIE)
p.k.f.holzenspies at utwente.nl
- [clean-list] TLCA 2013 Last Call for Papers
Luca Paolini
- [clean-list] VEE'14 call for papers - ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS Int'l Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (co-located with ASPLOS'14)
Dan Tsafrir
- [clean-list] verzoek
- [clean-list] WFLP 2013: First CfP
Janis Voigtländer
- [clean-list] WORLDCOMP Strikes Again for the Last Time
chrisrogersrogers at aol.com
- [clean-list] WORLDCOMP: World’s Biggest Bogus Conference is Back Again
kelvinwilliams at hushmail.com
- [clean-list] World’s Biggest Computer Conference WORLDCOMP is Cancelled
amgsolo at hushmail.com
- [clean-list] WRLA 2014 Call for papers
Santiago Escobar
Last message date:
Mon Dec 23 23:39:47 MET 2013
Archived on: Mon Dec 23 23:40:57 MET 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).