[clean-list] Call for Participation PEPM 2014 (co-located with POPL 2014) === P E P M 2014 ===
planpublicity at gmail.com
planpublicity at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 10:47:56 MET 2013
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
January 20-21, 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
(Affiliated with POPL 2014)
* Hotel reservation deadline: December 21, 2013
* Early registration deadline: December 31, 2013
PEPM'14 and all POPL'14 affiliated events will take place at the
US Grant in San Diego, CA, USA.
The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners working in the areas of program
manipulation, partial evaluation, and program generation. PEPM
focuses on techniques, theory, tools, and applications of analysis
and manipulation of programs.
* Manuel Fahndrich (Microsoft Research, USA) on
Lessons from a Web-Based IDE and Runtime
* Sven-Bodo Scholz (Heriott-Watt University, Scotland) on
Partial Evaluation as Universal Compiler Tool
(experiences from the SAC eco system)
Wei Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Jurriaan Hage (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Evelyne Contejean (LRI, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, France)
Cristina David (University of Oxford, UK)
Alain Frisch (LexiFi, France)
Ronald Garcia (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Zhenjiang Hu (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Paul H J Kelly (Imperial College, UK)
Oleg Kiselyov (Monterey, USA)
Naoki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Jens Krinke (University College London, UK)
Ryan Newton (University of Indiana, USA)
Alberto Pardo (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
Sungwoo Park (Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea)
Tiark Rompf (Oracle Labs & EPFL, Switzerland)
Sukyoung Ryu (KAIST, South Korea)
Kostis Sagonas (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Max Schaefer (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Harald Søndergaard (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Japan)
Eric Van Wyk (University of Minnesota, USA)
Jeremy Yallop (University of Cambridge, UK)
DAY 1: Monday, January 20th, 2014
09:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk
Lessons from a Web-Based IDE and Runtime
Manuel Fahndrich
10:30 - 12:00 Meta-Programming
Combinators for Impure yet Hygienic Code Generation
Yukiyoshi Kameyama, Oleg Kiselyov, Chung-Chieh Shan
Effective Quotation
James Cheney, Sam Lindley, Gabriel Radanne, Philip Wadler
Compile-time Reflection and Metaprogramming for Java
Weiyu Miao, Jeremy Siek
14:00 - 15:25 Bidirectional Transformations
Monadic Combinators for "Putback" Style Bidirectional Programming
Hugo Pacheco, Zhenjiang Hu and Sebastian Fischer
Semantic Bidirectionalization Revisited
Meng Wang and Shayan Najd
Generating Attribute Grammar-based Bidirectional Transformations from Rewrite Rules
Pedro Martins, Joao Paulo Fernandes, Joao Saraiva and Eric Van Wyk
16:00 - 17:00 Static Analysis and Optimization
Optimizing SYB is Easy!
Michael D. Adams, Andrew Farmer, Jose Pedro Magalhaes:
QEMU/CPC: Static Analysis and CPS Conversion for Safe, Portable, and Efficient Coroutines
Gabriel Kerneis, Charlie Shepherd, Stefan Hajnoczi
DAY 2: Tuesday, January 21, 2014
09:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk
Partial Evaluation as Universal Compiler Tool (experiences from the SAC eco system)
Sven-Bodo Scholz
10:30 - 12:00 Program Transformation
The HERMIT in the Stream
Andrew Farmer, Christian Hoener Zu Siederdissen, Andy Gill
Type-Changing Rewriting and Semantics-Preserving Transformation
Sean Leather, Johan Jeuring, Andres Loeh, Bram Schuur
An Operational Semantics for Android Activities
Etienne Payet, Fausto Spoto
14:00 - 15:30 Type Systems
Early Detection of Type Errors in C++ Templates
Sheng Chen, Martin Erwig
Lazy Stateless Incremental Evaluation Machinery for Attribute Grammars
Jeroen Bransen, Atze Dijkstra, Doaitse Swierstra
Deriving Interpretations of the Gradually-Typed Lambda Calculus.
Alvaro Garcia-Perez, Pablo Nogueira, Ilya Sergey
16:00 - 17:20 Program Analysis/Testing
Automating Property-based Testing of Evolving Web Services
Huiqing Li, Simon Thompson, Pablo Lamela Seijas, Miguel Angel Francisco
A Modular and Generic Analysis Server System for Functional Logic Programs
Michael Hanus, Fabian Skrlac
HIPimm: Verifying Granular Immutability Guarantees
Andreea Costea, Asankhaya Sharma, Cristina David
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