[clean-list] RES: clean-list Digest, Vol 105, Issue 5
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
Sun Aug 18 23:27:09 MEST 2013
OK John. Thank you.
My problem to generate .exe and run within other programs is solved.
Now, can you tell me if it is possible to create programs in windows to run
on CGI, as we do in Linux?
Kind regards
Lucian o
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Assunto: clean-list Digest, Vol 105, Issue 5
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: RES: clean-list Digest, Vol 104, Issue 7 (John van Groningen)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 13:59:33 +0200
From: John van Groningen <johnvg at cs.ru.nl>
To: luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br
Cc: clean-list at science.ru.nl
Subject: Re: [clean-list] RES: clean-list Digest, Vol 104, Issue 7
Message-ID: <520A1FA5.3050807 at cs.ru.nl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 5-8-2013 4:09, <mailto:luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br>
luciano.vieira.lima at terra.com.br wrote:
> Hi John!
> I tested the solution you sent me to my question:
> "I need a solution to compile programs in COMMAND LINE in Windows,
> as is done in Linux."
> Your solution really works.
> Unfortunately I expressed myself badly about what I REALLY need to
> The solution that you sent me, you use batch-build to compile a.
> icl file in Windows.
> In this case I ever need to have also a . prj file.
> This solution does not solve my problem.
> I say this is due to the need to have .prj file before compiling a .
> icl file.
> In my case, I want to compile an application created inside another
> application.
> I have a program to run *. Bat files within a program in CLEAN, but,
> as I do not have a . prj file, there's no way I run the bat file.
A .prj file is just a text file. To create it you could:
- Use the CleanIDE to create an example .prj file.
Remove everything after the line OtherModules.
To use this file to compile another module, you copy it
and change the name of the main module (MainModule/Main)
and name of the executable (Global/Exec).
You can make a small Clean program to do this.
- The CleanIDE adds default values for fields that
are missing from a .prj file. The following .prj file
(module_name.prj) is sufficient to compile a module module_name:
Version: 1.4
Target: StdEnv
Exec: {Project}\module_name.exe
Path: {Project}
Name: module_name
So instead you can write a Clean program that writes such a .prj file.
Note that a .prj file uses tab characters at the beginning of a line.
Do not use spaces (except if a path contains spaces).
Kind regards,
John van Groningen
clean-list mailing list
<mailto:clean-list at science.ru.nl> clean-list at science.ru.nl
End of clean-list Digest, Vol 105, Issue 5
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