[clean-list] CFP: FC '2013 The 3rd International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory, Technologies and Applications
cinfon at mail.ncku.edu.tw
Sun Mar 10 14:41:16 MET 2013
Apologies for multiple posting.
The 3rd International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory,
Technologies and Applications
September 4-6, 2013, Gwangju, Korea
Published by Springer-LNEE (EI and SCOPUS Index)
Hosted by FTRA, http://www.ftrai.org
Submission Due Extension: March 20, 2013
The 3rd International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory,
Technologies and Applications (FC 2013) will be held in Gwangju,
Korea, September 4-6, 2013.
The FC 2013 Theory, Technologies and Applications will serve as a
forum to present the current work by researchers from around the
world, and act as a venue to provide discussions and highlight recent
hot topics of computer science. In addition to technical sessions
consisting of contributed papers, the conference will include invited
presentations for full paper or regular paper session. Furthermore, we
expect that the conference and its publications will be a trigger for
further related research and technology improvements in this important
The FC 2013 is the next event in a series of highly successful the
International Conference on Frontier Computing - Theory, Technologies
and Applications, FC 2012 (Xining, China, August, 2012), FC 2010
(Taichung, Taiwan, August, 2010).
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Interconnection Networks
- Neural and DNA Computing
- Distributed and Parallel Computing
- Database and Data Mining
- Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing
- Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications
- Innovative Networking and Applications
- Human-Computer Interface / Interaction
- Multimedia Technologies
- Image Processing
- Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
- Advanced Networking and Applications
- Medical Informatics
- Services Computing
- Security, Privacy and Trust
- Web Services and Internet Technologies Computing
- Fault-tolerant and Dependable Systems
- Multi-agent System and Applications
- Multimedia, Virtual Reality and Web Graphics
- E-Learning and Education
- Social, Ethical & Other Issues of Networked World
- Hardware / Software co-design
- Energy Efficiency and Power Aware Techniques
Organizing Committee
== Steering Chairs ==
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan
Jason C. Hung, Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan
Timothy K. Shih, National Central University, Taiwan
== General Chairs ==
James J. Park, SeoulTech, Korea (Leading Chair)
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Hong Shen, University of Adelaide, Australia
Young-Sik Jeong, Wonkwang University, Korea
== Program Chairs ==
Hwamin Lee, Soonchunhyang University, Korea (Leading Chair)
Hai Jiang, Arkansas State University, USA
Chin-Feng Lai, National I-Lan University, Taiwan
== Workshop Chairs ==
Sung Suk Kim Seokyeong University, Korea (Leading Chair)
Ki-Sik Kong, Namseoul University, Korea
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Neil Yen, University of Aizu, Japan
==International Advisory Committee==
Doo-Soon Park, SoonChunHyang University, Korea (Leading Chair)
Victor Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada
Martin Sang-Soo Yeo, Mokwon University, Korea
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Hamid R. Arabnia, The University of Georgia, USA
Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan
== Publicity Chairs ==
Won Woo Ro, Yonsei University, Korea
Chen Liu, Clarkson University, USA
Qingguo Zhou, Lanzhou University, China
==Publication Chair==
Hwa Young Jeong, Kyung Hee University, Korea
==Local Chair==
Namje Park, Jeju National University, Korea
Deok Gyu Lee, ETRI, Korea
SUBMISSION and Publications
There will be a combination of presentations including scientific
papers. Prospective authors are invited, in the first instance, to
submit papers for oral presentations in any of the areas of interest
for this conference. Authors should submit a paper with 6-8 pages in
length, including all figures, tables, and references. If you want to
submit more than page limitation, you can add up to 2 extra pages with
the appropriate fee payment.
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings
published by Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) - Springer
(indexed by EI and SCOPUS).
Papers must strictly adhere to page limits as follows.
- Regular Paper: 6 pages (Max 2 extra pages allowed at additional cost
: by 8 pages)
Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.
Please use the Springer Proceedings format for submission. Template is
available on:
Submission system: http://www.editorialsystem.net/frontiercomputing2013
Distinguished accepted and presented FULL papers in FC 2013, after
further revisions, will be recommended for the special issues of the
following international journals (Pending):
- The Journal of Supercomputing (JoS) - Springer (SCI)
- Wireless Personal Communications - Springer (SCIE)
- Cluster Computing - Springer (SCIE)
- Human-Centric and Information Sciences (HCIS) - Springer
- International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and
Convergence (IJITCC) - Inderscience
- Journal of Convergence (JoC) - FTRA
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: March 20, 2013 (Extended)
Authors Notification: May 1, 2013
Author Registration: May 15, 2013
Final Manuscript: May 15, 2013
Conference Dates: September 4-6, 2013
Contact Information
For further information regarding the conference and paper submission,
please contact to
Profs. James Park (parkjonghyuk1 at hotmail.com) and Hwamin Lee (leehm at sch.ac.kr)
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