[clean-list] Call for Participation ICLP 2013: 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, August 24-29
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
peterschueller at sabanciuniv.edu
Fri Jul 12 20:51:18 MEST 2013
(Apologies for cross-posting.)
29th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2013)
Istanbul, Turkey, August 24-29, 2013
The list of accepted regular papers and technical communcations is
available on the conference home page: http://www.iclp2013.org.
* Pascal Hitzler (http://www.pascal-hitzler.de)
Recent advances concerning OWL and Rules.
* Torsten Schaub (http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/~torsten)
Experiencing Answer Set Programming at Work, Today and Tomorrow.
* Hans von Ditmarsch (http://personal.us.es/hvd)
Dynamic Epistemic Logic and Lying.
* C.R. Ramakrishnan (http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~cram/)
Probabilistic Tabled Logic Programming with Application to Model
* Invited author(s) of the most influencial paper of ICLP/ILPS 1993.
* Invited author(s) of the most influencial paper of ICLP 2003.
* 9th ICLP Doctoral Consortium, August 24.
* 13th International Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and
LOgic Programming System (CICLOPS): August 24-25.
* 23rd Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments
(WPLE): August 24-25.
* WG17: August 24-25.
* 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
in Robotics (KRR): August 25.
* 6th International Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other
Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP): August 25.
* Prolog Programming Contest: August 27.
See http://www.iclp2013.org/en/Workshops.html for further details.
Information about registration and accomodation is available at the
conference web site: http://www.iclp2013.org. Early registration is
until July 18, 2013.
The conference is sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming
(ALP), Sabanci University, and Artificial Intelligence: An
International Journal.
* General Chairs: Esra Erdem (Sabanci University), Joohyung Lee
(Arizona State University).
* Program Comittee Chairs: Evelina Lamma (University of Ferrara),
Terrance Swift (New University of Lisboa).
* Workshop Chair: Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology).
* Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Marco Gavanelli (University of Ferrara),
Martin Gebser (University of Potsdam).
* Publicity Chair: Peter Schueller (Sabanci University).
* Prolog Programming Contest Chair: Bart Demoen (KU Leuven).
Istanbul is a city of unparalleled social and cultural richness. It
is as fascinating and historical as it is dynamic and modern. Serving
as the capital of two mighty empires for sixteen centuries, Eastern
Roman (or Byzantine) and Ottoman, and set squarely between two
continents, Istanbul has cultures and traditions that blend East with
West and Mediterranean with Anatolian. Each civilization that has made
Istanbul its home has left its mark in sublime and splendid ways, and
the result a city that gives one the feeling of universal history at
every step.
Istanbul has always been a meeting place, a crosspoint and a
destination. With the Ataturk Istanbul International Airport, getting
to and from Istanbul has never been easier. With a capacity of far
over 25 million travelers per year Istanbul is less than a three-hour
flight from most European cities. Istanbul has a second airport
located on the Asian side of the city, Sabiha Gokcen International
Airport, which is an important arrival point especially for low-cost
airlines. Overall, Istanbul is served by more than 50 major airlines
to hundreds of cities around the world.
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