[FieldTrip] Parcellation of source with atlas_MMP1.0_4k.mat Fieldtrip
Irene Varela Leniz
irene.varela at alumni.mondragon.edu
Tue May 21 09:48:17 CEST 2019
Dear all,
I am carrying out a source parcellation task using *atlas_MMP1.0_4k.mat *from
Fieldtrip tutorials.
The structure of the source I am using contains the following fields:
* freq: 10.0000*
* cumtapcnt: [69×1 double]*
* dim: [15 19 15]*
* inside: [4275×1 logical]*
* pos: [4275×3 double]*
* method: 'average'*
* avg: [1×1 struct]*
* cfg: [1×1 struct]*
Moreover, *avg* field inside source contains the following sub-fields:
* pow: [1×4275 double]*
* ori: {1×4275 cell}*
* filter: {1×4275 cell}*
* mom: {1×4275 cell}*
* label: {128×1 cell}*
* filterdimord: '{pos}_ori_chan'*
Then, I have parcelled the source taking as reference Fieltrip tutorials (
http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/salzburg/ and
developing the segment of code below:
* load atlas_MMP1.0_4k.mat; cfg = [];
cfg.parameter = 'avg.pow';
cfg.voxelcoor ='no'; sourcemodel =
ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, source, atlas);*
*cfg = []; cfg.parcellation = 'parcellation';
cfg.parameter = 'all';
parcelled_source = ft_sourceparcellate(cfg, sourcemodel, atlas); *
Finally, I have performed the connectivity analysis based on* coherence*
method as follows:
*cfg = []; cfg.method = 'coh';
cfg.complex = 'absimag';
source_connect = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg, parcelled_source);*
But I get the following error:
Reference to non-existent field 'crsspctrm'. Error in
ft_connectivityanalysis (line 550) data.(inparam) =
reshape(data.(inparam), [1 size(data.(inparam))]);
I am suspicious that this problem arises from the fact that when
interpolating the sources I remove data related with *avg* field or
structure. Does anyone know how can I mantain data related with the *crsspctrm
*or how can I set cfg fiels so that I keep data related to* crsspctrm?*
P.D.: I have also read about alternative* ft_connectivity_XXX* functions,
but I do not really understand the differences with the classical*
ft_connectivityanalysis* function. Does anyone know if there is an
alternative function that can work for my case study?
I would be really grateful if someone could help me,
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