[FieldTrip] Question about Dr Eric Maris et al. paper

平野 昭吾 shhirano at npsych.med.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Sun Jan 9 03:03:52 CET 2011

Dear Dr Eric Maris and members of Fieldtrip mailing list

At first, I'm sorry for my poor English.
I'm a post-doc research fellow of Department of Neuropsychiatry,  
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
I'm studying about auditory abnormalities in mental disorders, for  
example, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, using MEG.
I'm very impressed and interested in Dr Eric Maris and Dr Robert  
Oostenveld paper, "Nonparametrical statistical testing of EEG and MEG  
data, on Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2007".
I'd like to apply their stastical methods to our data, but there are  
some points that I can't understand in their paper.
Those are about cluster-based statistics.
In the right column in page 180 in their paper, they wrote 5 steps of  
statistics methods. At 5th step, they take the largest of the cluster- 
level statistics, then how do they test this largest of the cluster- 
level statistics?
I thought that, after 5th step, I should make the permutation  
distribution of cluster-level statistics of selected cluster, and I  
should test the given cluster-level statistics with this permutation  
distribution. Is this right?
Any answer will help me.

Best regards,

Shogo Hirano, M.D., Ph.D.
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