[FieldTrip] PhD position in Hearing Research (developmental cognitive neuroscience)

Hahn, Laura laura.hahn at charite.de
Mon Jun 3 11:21:27 CEST 2024

 Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a PhD student in hearing research - developmental cognitive neuroscience at the Charité in Berlin. A background in linguistics (neuro/psycho/clinical), psychology (neuro/developmental/cognitive) or cognitive science would be great.

Would you please be so kind and spread the word?

I hope you are well.

All the best,


Prof. Dr. Claudia Männel
Leitung der Forschungsgruppe
Frühkindliche Sprachentwicklung
Klinik für Audiologie und Phoniatrie
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Campus Virchow-Klinikum | Augustenburger Platz 1 | 13353 Berlin
Besuchsadresse: Ostring 1 | Ebene 3 | Raum 3.0047
T +49 30 450 555 446
claudia.maennel at charite.de<mailto:claudia.maennel at charite.de>

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