[FieldTrip] Streaming realtime data from MEGIN

刘朝巍 zwliu at ion.ac.cn
Mon Jun 3 04:11:32 CEST 2024

Dear all,

I want to implement real-time in our MEG system (TRIUX neo). There was an error when I executed neuromag2ft.

I followed the instruction from guideline:

> unzip the fieldtrip in the data folder (/neuro/data/sinuhe/***);

> enter the app folder (field trip/realtime/src/acquisition/neuroma/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> execute the neuromag2ft (./neuromag2ft)

However, it reported as follows:

> About to connect to the Neuromag DACQ shared memory on this workstation (client ID 14013)...
> bind: No such file or directory
> Connection closed.
> Could not connect!

Would you happen to know how to deal with it?


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