[FieldTrip] ft_electroderealign

Sara Cinelli sara.cinelli at studenti.unipd.it
Mon Jul 15 14:10:53 CEST 2024

Hello, I'm going to explain my problem regarding the source reconstruction.
How can I realigned the electrode placement with the mesh from the MRI? I
tried using the function ft_electrode_realign using the following settings:

cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'interactive';
cfg.headshape = mesh;
elec_realigned = ft_electroderealign(cfg, elec);

My first question is : can I do this having two differents coordinates for
the mri and the eeg structure? If not, what sould I do before the
realignment? My interest is the have the same coordinates system of the mri
Otherwise, the way I explained here is one with the interactive option, how
can I understand which transformation to apply (only visually?)?  I saw
there could be another option, maybe with the specification of the
fiducials from the mri image, but it is not very clear to me how to use it.
Thank you for helping me,

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