[FieldTrip] interpolate channels in ft_timelockgrandaverage

Songhee Kim songhee.kim at nyu.edu
Tue Jun 28 02:52:19 CEST 2022

Hello FieldTrippers,

I'm trying to calculate a grand average across subjects and plot the
overall topography. But when I calculate the grand average using
ft_timelockgrandaverage, the returned data has only 150 channels when there
are about 300 channels in the original data. I guess this is because
different subjects have different lists of channels (due to bad channel
rejection) and thus channels are dropped in grand averaging if just one
subject's data is missing that channel. If my understanding is correct, is
it possible not to lose data this way? For example, is there an easy way to
interpolate missing channels' data from neighboring channels?

*Songhee Kim, PhD*
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Neurology
Medical College of Wisconsin
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