[FieldTrip] EEG connectivity analysis - error with ft_sourceparcellate in whole brain connectivity tutorial

Rebecca Kenny beckenny at student.ubc.ca
Mon Sep 14 20:41:12 CEST 2020


I am attempting to run connectivity analysis on resting-state EEG data.  *My
goal of source space analysis is to run ft_networkanalysis and extract
graph theory variables. *I am following the "whole-brain connectivity and
network analysis" tutorial.  I believe I have successfully navigated the
tutorial (after importing my cleaned data from EEGlab) until I experience
errors when I get to the 'connectivity analysis and parcellation'.

I can't find the atlas_MMP1.0_4k.mat file so I tried to use

  % compute connectivity

    cfg         = [];

    cfg.method  ='coh';

    cfg.complex = 'absimag';

    source_conn = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg, source);

    load AllAreas_v17.mat;

    atlas.pos = source_conn.pos;

    cfg = [];

    cfg.parcellation = 'parcellation';

    cfg.parameter    = 'cohspctrm';

    parc_conn = ft_sourceparcellate(cfg, source_conn, atlas);


Error using ft_checkdata (line 528)

This function requires parcellation data as input, see

Error in ft_sourceparcellate (line 97)

parcellation = ft_checkdata(parcellation, 'datatype', 'parcellation',
'parcellationstyle', 'indexed');

If there is an email thread already, please direct me to the proper post.

I appreciate any help.  I have been stuck at this part for a while and
would love to move through my analysis.

Thank you,
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