[FieldTrip] Can the warning "Warning: could not determine dimord of "comp" in:" influence the results?

Eelke Spaak e.spaak at donders.ru.nl
Tue Jun 9 08:37:03 CEST 2020

Dear Helena,

In general, you can probably safely ignore the warning. It just means
that FieldTrip is unsure of the dimensionality of the 'comp' field,
because there is no 'compdimord' and also the dimensionality does not
match the data in any straightforward way.

However, the structure of your componentanalysis output is somewhat
strange. From .topo and .unmixing, it appears there is only one
component. However, .label has 69 elements, and there is no .topolabel
(which usually is there). Is the output you posted directly produced
by ft_componentanalysis (i.e. it is the 'ica_cleaned' variable
immediately after the step you showed)?


On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 21:42, Helena Pereira
<hri.pereira at campus.fct.unl.pt> wrote:
> Dear FieldTrip users,
> I'm running the ft_componentanalysis function after applying ICA to my data. Although I'm not getting any error, the following warning came out:
> Warning: could not determine dimord of "comp" in:
>              label: {69×1 cell}
>                cfg: [1×1 struct]
>               topo: [69×1 double]
>         topodimord: 'chan_comp'
>               comp: 7
>           unmixing: [1×69 double]
>     unmixingdimord: 'chan_topochan'
> Can this influence the way the components are displayed and consequently my results? Is this associated with the layout that I used or with the "demean" option?
> My code is as follows:
> cfg = [];
> %cfg.channel = 1:64;
> cfg.method = 'runica';
> cfg.demean = 'yes';
> ica_cleaned = ft_componentanalysis(cfg, data);
> cfg = [];
> cfg.component = 1:20;
> cfg.layout = 'biosemi64.lay';
> cfg.comment   = 'no';
> ft_topoplotIC(cfg, ica_cleaned )
> Thanks in advance,
> Keep safe,
> Helena Pereira
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