[FieldTrip] Open PhD Position - Auditory Cognition - University of Luebeck

Malte Wöstmann mwoestma at uni-osnabrueck.de
Mon May 20 14:38:14 CEST 2019

Dear colleagues,  sorry for any crossposting:
We are hiring a PhD student to study the neural dynamics of attention (with a particular focus on the suppression of auditory distractors). 
The position is funded for a period of three years by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
If interested/in doubt, please talk to me. Contact details below. Job ad in English and German language attached.
Thanks for spreading the news, 
Malte Job ad in English:
https://www.ipsy1.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/Stellenausschreibungen/Final_2019--Ausschreibung_Wo__stmann_Doktorand2019_DFG_ENG.pdf Job ad in German:
https://www.ipsy1.uni-luebeck.de/fileadmin/files/Stellenausschreibungen/Final_2019--Ausschreibung_Wo__stmann_Doktorand2019_DFG_MB.pdf    https://www.ipsy1.uni-luebeck.de/allgemeines/stellenangebote.html 
www.obleserlab.com  Malte Wöstmann
Institut für Psychologie I 
Universität zu Lübeck
Tel.: +49 451 3101 3621
Mail: malte.woestmann at uni-luebeck.de
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