[FieldTrip] ERROR in fieldtrip sourcemodel tutorial freesurfer pipeline

James Stieger stieg030 at umn.edu
Fri Aug 3 16:34:23 CEST 2018


My name is James Stieger and I am a PhD student in biomedical engineering
at the University of Minnesota studying brain computer interfaces.

I have been going through the fieldtrip tutorials and I encounter the error
in the source model tutorial found here:

I have been following the pipeline outlined on the web page and typically
receive the notification:

recon-all -s Subject01 finished without error

However, when executing the command:

recon-all -finalsurfs -subjid Subject01

I receive the following errors in the recon-all.log:
mris_convert --volume Subject01 lh

MRISread(.../fieldtrip/Tutorial/FreeSurfer/Subject01/surf/lh.white): could
not open file
No such file or directory

ERROR: vertexvol

mris_convert --volume Subject01 lh

and in the surf error.log:
MRISread(.../fieldtrip/Tutorial/FreeSurfer/Subject01/surf/lh.white): could
not open file

however the command

recon-all -white      -subjid Subject01

also finished without error.

Can someone help?
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