[FieldTrip] 2016 Porto EEG/ERP Summer School

Fernando Ferreira-Santos frsantos at fpce.up.pt
Tue Jun 21 16:17:46 CEST 2016

Dear colleagues,

The Laboratory of Neuropsychopsysiology of the University of Porto (http://www.fpce.up.pt/labpsi/) is pleased to announce the 5th edition of the International Cognitive and Affective Neurophysiology Summer School: Acquisition, processing, and analysis of EEG signal.

This summer school is focused on the application of Electroencephalography (EEG) and Event Related Potential (ERP) techniques to the study of cognitive and affective processes. This 36h course will be fully taught in English and is aimed at an introductory level, so no previous experience with EEG or ERP is required.

This event will take place from 5-9 of September 2016 in the lovely city of Porto.

In last year's edition the course was fully booked and, as such, we recommend early registration (course places are attributed by order of registration). The registration deadline is July 31st.

For additional details and instructions on how to register, please consult our website (http://www.fpce.up.pt/labpsi/summerschool/).

Please feel free to pass this information along to students or researchers that may be potentially interested.

Thanks you and best wishes,

Fernando Ferreira-Santos, PhD

Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
University of Porto
Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200-135 Porto (Portugal)
Tel.: +351 226079700 (ext. 409)
E-mail: frsantos at fpce.up.pt

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