question about freqgrandaverage
Paul van den Hurk
p.vandenhurk at CS.RU.NL
Tue Aug 31 10:44:59 CEST 2010
Dear fieldtrippers,
I have a question about the function freqgrandaverage. Since I have been
quite strict in deleting noisy channels, quite some channels have been
removed from individual datasets. Due to the removal of these channels
relatively few channels are left when computing the grand average.
Could anyone tell me how to adjust the settings of the function in order to
calculate the mean in a specific channel over the remaining subjects that do
have nicely looking data instead of completely removing the channel from the
grand average calculation if only 1 or 2 subjects would show noisy data in
this channel?
Or would it be better to use the channelrepair function in order to get
interpolated values for each subject in such noisy channels?
Thanks for your help,
Kind regards,
Vriendelijke groet,
Paul van den Hurk
PhD student in Mind-Brain-Mindfulness Group,
Faculty of Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Heyendaalseweg 135,
6525 AJ,
Tel:+31 24 3652240
Email: p.vandenhurk at
Visiting address:
Room HG02.532
Faculty of Science
Toernooiveld 1
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: FieldTrip discussion list [mailto:FIELDTRIP at NIC.SURFNET.NL] Namens Paul
Verzonden: Friday, August 27, 2010 8:35 AM
Onderwerp: Re: [FIELDTRIP] Dipole fitting with openMEEG BEM model
If it helps, of course. I attached the script that's calling
ft_dipolefitting and another one called by the first one, that's calling
ft_prepare_bemmodel. Also I'm using another meshing routine which I
wrote by myself which is a bit slower, bur also a bit more dependable
than the fieldtrip method, since the ft method to create the meshes from
the segmentation produced some ugly spikes for me. But the output of my
routine should be near to the output of the fieldtrip routine when it
works, so this should be no difference (actually my locations are
transformed a bit to match my electrode space, electrode positions for
the segmentation are retrieved by the Get1020 method).
Am 27.08.2010 08:15, schrieb Alexandre Gramfort:
> Hello Paul,
> could you share a script to reproduce the problem?
> -- Alexandre
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Paul Czienskowski<paul_c at> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> after creating the BEM model for an individual MRI with OpenMEEG i now
>> to simulate and fit some dipoles, but when calling openmeeg_dsm.m the
>> script crashed saying:
>> ??? Output argument "dsm" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to
>> "/home/paulc/Matlab/fieldtrip-20100612/external/openmeeg/openmeeg_dsm.m
>> (openmeeg_dsm)".
>> Error in ==> openmeeg_dsm at 16
>> The actual error may have been some lines above:
>> /bin/bash: ./ /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: Text file busy
>> I'm not really used to use linux and for this reason not familiar with
>> error messages. I found out that this has to do with any program
>> the shell script file, but since it just has been created and also been
>> closed by the openmeeg_dsm script I don't get it why some other process
>> should access it. I would be very grateful, if anyone could give me a
>> how to solve this problem.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Paul Czienskowski
>> --
>> Paul Czienskowski
>> Björnsonstr. 25
>> 12163 Berlin
>> Tel.: (+49)(0)30/221609359
>> Handy: (+49)(0)1788378772
>> ----------------------------------
>> The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the
>> FieldTrip toolbox, to share experiences and to discuss new ideas for MEG
>> EEG analysis.
Paul Czienskowski
Max Planck institute for human development
Lentzeallee 94
14195 Berlin
Björnsonstr. 25
12163 Berlin
Tel.: (+49)(0)30/221609359
Handy: (+49)(0)1788378772
The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the
FieldTrip toolbox, to share experiences and to discuss new ideas for MEG
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