error in timelockstatistics
Bernhard Staresina
bps231 at NYU.EDU
Wed Nov 7 01:18:35 CET 2007
Dear Fieldtrip experts,
I have a brief question about timelockstatistics. Using only data from one
electrode (i.e., I compute temporal, not spatial clusters for my stats), I
get the following error message when I run the analysis:
??? Reference to non-existent field 'inside'.
Error in ==> fieldtrip-0.9.8/private/clusterstat at 125
tmp(cfg.inside) = postailobs;
Error in ==> statistics_montecarlo at 319
stat = clusterstat(cfg, statrand, statobs);
Error in ==> fieldtrip-0.9.8/private/statistics_wrapper at 245
[stat, cfg] = statmethod(cfg, dat,;
Error in ==> timelockstatistics at 102
[stat] = statistics_wrapper(cfg, varargin{:});
When I follow the error messages, it turns out that changing the lines 30-37
in clusterstat.m from
if isfield(cfg, 'neighbours') && ~isempty(cfg.neighbours)
channeighbstructmat = makechanneighbstructmat(cfg);
issource = 0;
issource = 1;
% cfg contains dim and inside that are needed for reshaping the data to a
volume, and inside should behave as a index vector
cfg = fixinside(cfg, 'index');
% if isfield(cfg, 'neighbours') && ~isempty(cfg.neighbours)
channeighbstructmat = makechanneighbstructmat(cfg);
issource = 0;
% else
% issource = 1;
% % cfg contains dim and inside that are needed for reshaping the data to
a volume, and inside should behave as a index vector
% cfg = fixinside(cfg, 'index');
% end
seems to solve the problem at least I get reasonable results without an
error message. Id rather not change the code, however, so if you could
point me to any possible reason for this Id be very grateful.
Thanks in advance,
PS: Here are the configuration settings that produced the error before
modifying the code:
cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'montecarlo';
cfg.statistic = 'indepsamplesT';
cfg.clusteralpha = 0.1;
cfg.clusterstatistic = 'maxsum';
cfg.clustertail = 0;
cfg.minnbchan = 0;
cfg.ivar = 1;
cfg.numrandomization = 100;
design = zeros(1,size(cond1.trial,1)+size(cond2.trial,1));
design(1,1:size(cond1.trial,1)) = 1;
design(1,(size(cond1.trial,1)+1:(size(cond1.trial,1)+size(cond2.trial,1)))) = 2; = design;
cfg.neighbours={}; = {'MT2'};
cfg.latency = [-0.3 1.0];
[stat] = timelockstatistics(cfg, cond1, cond2)
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