Phantom Dipole on VectorView
Masao Matsuhashi
matuhasi at KUHP.KYOTO-U.AC.JP
Tue Nov 6 07:38:53 CET 2007
Dear Fieldtrip users (especialy the Neuromag users),
I want to use Fieldtrip to analyze my Vectorview data.
Fist I tried a phantom recording and performed an ECD analysis, but the
result does not match. Please see the example below. The difference
within 5 mm may be ok, but the y-axis...
Would you please tell me what is wrong?
One concern may be that the Neuromag coordinate frame is different from
CTF coordinate, but this does not matter if I do not try to overlay the
source onto MRI, am I right?
SSP significantly distorts the waveform of this huge field, so I am fine
without it.
Thank you in advance,
Phantom Dipole #10 at (0.0, -4.86, 2.35)
Estimated position: (-0.598803 -6.67657 2.81002)
Raw data file: Dip10_1000nA_std_03_raw.fif
MATLAB Version (R2007b)
=================== Procedure ===============================
% create trial info
hdr = read_fcdc_header(sRawFIFF_name);
data= read_fcdc_data(sRawFIFF_name,'chanindx',315);
trig = find(diff(data)>0);
trig = trig(2:end-1);
%read data
cfg = [];
cfg.trl = [trig-prep,trig+postp,repmat(-prep,size(trig))];
cfg.dataset = sRawFIFF_name;
cfg.datatype = 'continuous';
cfg.blc = 'yes';
cfg.blcwindow = [-pre 0]; = 'all'; % 'MEG' does not work
data = preprocessing(cfg);
% average
cfg = [];
avg = timelockanalysis(cfg, data);
% show waveform
plot(1000*avg.time, avg.avg) % convert time to ms
xlabel('time (ms)')
ylabel('field amplitude (T)')
axis tight
grid on
% fit a dipole
cfg = [];
cfg.latency = [0.019];
cfg.numdipoles = 1;
cfg.gradfile = sRawFIFF_name;
cfg.vol.o = [0,0,0]; % in cm
cfg.vol.r = 7; % should not matter
cfg.grid.xgrid = -7:1:7;
cfg.grid.ygrid = -7:1:7;
cfg.grid.zgrid = -1:1:8;
dip = dipolefitting(cfg, avg)
=================== Output ===================================
ntrl =
reading and preprocessing
reading and preprocessing trial 1 from 111
reading and preprocessing trial 2 from 111
reading and preprocessing trial 111 from 111
the input is raw data with 315 channels and 111 trials
applying preprocessing options
averaging trials
averaging trial 1 of 111
averaging trial 2 of 111
averaging trial 111 of 111
the input is timelock data with 315 channels and 158 timebins
using headmodel specified in the configuration
reading gradiometers from file Dip10_1000nA_std_03_raw.fif
selected 306 channels
selected 1 topographies
900 dipoles inside, 1348 dipoles outside brain
scanning grid
scanning grid location 1/900
scanning grid location 2/900
scanning grid location 900/900
found minimum after scanning on grid point [0 -6 3]
Iteration Func-count f(x) Step-size optimality
0 4 0.848031 0.0232
1 12 0.842257 10 0.0127
2 16 0.837597 1 0.00289
3 20 0.837204 1 0.00185
4 24 0.837115 1 0.000602
5 28 0.837106 1 0.000173
6 32 0.837105 1 4.07e-006
7 36 0.837105 1 1.86e-007
8 40 0.837105 1 1.04e-007
9 48 0.837105 0.407507 2.98e-008
Optimization cannot make further progress:
relative change in x less than options.TolX.
found minimum after non-linear optimization on [-0.598803 -6.67657 2.81002]
dip =
label: {1x306 cell}
dip: [1x1 struct]
Vdata: [306x1 double]
Vmodel: [306x1 double]
time: 0.0191
dimord: 'chan_time'
grad: [1x1 struct]
cfg: [1x1 struct]
=================== End ======================================
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